Fandom: MCU
Title: Home
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1530
Beta: None
Summary: When Steve lets Bucky find him, it's better.
Warnings: None
Contains: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing; I make no money from this. The MCU belongs to Marvel, et. al.
A/N: Written for the 2014 advent challenge; masterlist and prompts can be found
here. This is day 8, 'memories'. Also written for
chibi_warumono who, though she did not ask for a fic, is getting a fic. I've had this idea tossing around in my brain for a while and it made the perfect gift for her. I used the following song quotes for additional prompts: "Your faith was strong, but you needed proof", "The last few days have kicked my ass", and "Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I'm home again". It was also inspired by a post on tumblr, wherein the scenario (basically) "Steve walks into the common room looking well fucked and then Bucky enters the room looking the same" happens. Enjoy.
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