A long explanation

Apr 06, 2006 20:19

Woah! Been forever and a year...almost 2 I think since I've posted. I'm terribly sorry for my absence, but I am well. Until I cause strife which it seems I have done once again.

Let me recap on my wedding plans, as VR and I are now down to only 65 days left! (Oh, so much to do.. the flowers, the caterer, the French are coming...)
June 2005 VR proposed and thus began the adventure along with my new job!
July 2005 start asking friends to be in the wedding and composing a guest list
August 2005 book a reception
Sept 2005
Oct 2005
Nov 2005 tuxedos get cancelled VR finishes college
Dec 2005 first maid to decline
Jan 2006 second maid to decline, mom buys my dress
Feb 2006 sister is pregnant and due around wedding date, must decline
March 2006 other friend declines
April 2006 friends on LJ are in an uproar over something I, yes, me, started

Now, what on earth are you talking about you say? Let me explain.
As luck, chance or whatever may have it, all 3 of my maids have cancelled at one point, and it's been shaky on the groom's side of things as well.
Stressful, yes. Many things are going on at work, changing jobs, my finace, family, yadda yadda.

So... when the LAST decline came, it was my last and final straw for that time. I lost it, I blew it, I needed to vent. Who did I turn to, VR was working and my photographer called, Kaelan. I was upset, ready to cry, had been crying earlier, and disappointed at how much my friends really weren't my friends. Ok, so that MAY NOT be true, but it sure feels like it when you're at the bottom of the barrel and everyone and your brother has cancelled.

Kaelan made a post to show how he felt about what I had shared with him. He meant NO ONE any harm, it was a statement and an opinion. Something I started, so if there is any issues, please take them up with me.

I hope we can all be friends, enjoy our weddings, lives, whatever, and move on. This is not something so significant to lose good friends over forever.
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