Apr 09, 2005 01:56
Godfuckingdammit. fuckingfaggotyassbullshitcocksuck. i fucking hate this fiucking shit happening again. and again. andamotherfucking gain. sickofit. sickof thiss faggoty aasss bullshit cocksucking cuntlicking goddamn inspid stupid stupid stupid stupidfuckinggayass bullshit. fuc,ing. fuck. this. shit. up. its. fucking. stretched. out. gay. ass. ass. G:LKJjda/slkgjsa;lkgja. I cant rant at pat anymore cuz hes trying to sleep. gay. its only 1;45. pat doesnt sleep till 3. i dont sleep till 3. gay. i have work at 11. but i have to go to the fillmore at 10 to get LCD Soundsytem and M.I.A tickets <---- that was the highlight of my entry, which is why it is bolded. grrrrr. i've had lots of things i wanted to somehow fit into an entry, lately, but lj is so fucking lame that it didn't seem a worthy venue for such self-reflection. grrrrrrrrr. im an angry drunk. thats because im angry. i have been for the past week. i dont know why. iv'e been having to play passiveaggressivegames that i HATE, because IM FUCKING AGRRESSIVE!!!! NOT PASSIVE!!!! garh. fuck this shit. i hate it. this is unadulterated tom here. fucking gay. i'm fucking sick of SCHOOL. AND BOYS. i dont want to have to deal with either again. Peaches is on. thank god. peaches never is sexually frustrated. i was on the MUNI today and i realized that guys prolly dont wanna have sex with peaches cuz tghey're too intimidated. i would be. if i wasn't a bottom. i wouldn't be intimidated with peaches effin me in the a. that'd rock. Download "Back it up, boys" and you'll know why. i actually went to someones party tonight that wasn't half bad, in fact, until all the 'bras got there, it was rather fucking enjoyable. i love dancing. with girls. because boys dont dance with me. and i dont dance with boys. because their stupid fucking dicks get in the way OF LIFE. <3 women. i'm straight. there. no. i'm a lesbian. i'm wearing my sleater-kinney shirt. i'm a lesbian. THO, lesbians even get hotter boys than i do. fuck em. grrrr. Now Le Tigre are on. what a dyke i am. i best bellyup to the pussy buffet. mmm. ewww. ;lsagj;salkgjsa. alright. all i have to say. is. fuck it. i wanna get laid. someone. needs. to. fuck. me. in. the. ass. this. week. boy...or a lesiban with a strapon. all offers. hit it.
I oficially denoucne all liability to what i have posted tonight. rum made me do it.