A virtuoso display of tits

Sep 10, 2007 13:17

They were of all shapes, sizes and colour, it was an amazing half an hour of frantic activity, non-stop bobbing, swinging and groping, not something you see every day, thats for sure, but a pleasure to witness with your eyes first hand. I just love it when they're all lined up togethor as its almost like they move in synchronization, when one goes, they all go or when a pair of them are just bobbing around by themselves, almost as if they are courting each other. Yes thats' right I'm talking about these:

and lots of them. One moment your garden is empty and the next its rampant with tits, all fluttering, twitching and constantly fidgeting as they go. I just think there a pleasure to watch, constantly entertaining, always on the move and doing something to entertain, unlike me really. Right hands up those dirty one-track-minded peeps that thought I was possibly talking about something else. No one? I don't believe that.

Ah, well, like the professor says in Futurama, bad news anyone? The cat that was formely known as Blackz was found dead this morning on the drive way. No commiseration messages as he was fecking ancient(21 we think) and more of a burden. It was actually painful watching him trying to get up because the arthritis was so bad and it took so long. Yes, he'll be missed, though, the black one-eyed whinger from next door. Journey well my fuzzy friend.
1986-2007 Blackz

Can you believe its six years to the day tomorrow since 9/11 to the day. I watched United93 last night and realised that yes that was quite freaky, all by chance they sent me this video near that day. Well worth the watch, excellent film. Jarhead was not so good, quite pretty in the oil fields, but just dull as dishwater as nothing happens.

Well, its an Indian summer me thinks, though you can tell the old autumn is just around the corner, the trees are starting to yellow, theres a slight crispness to the morning air (so I'm told) and the light is fading away earlier and earlier each evening. I fecking love this time of year, just like the change. Its till warmish , but you get all the colours of the trees.

alacerus album of the week: Belle and Sabastian The Life Pursuit Damn fine album, up beat, well written, good for anytime of the day, especially a nice sunny day. Give it a go if you ain't got it.