Title: Draconis (Though it could be quite aptly titled : Alaceron's Excuse For Creating One Big Mass of Completely Pointless and Very Dirty Innuendo)
Chapter: 01
Author: Hi.
Genre For now, Romance, Good?bad humour
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: Pg-13 ish? Look, honestly, with the things kids are exposed to these days, I have no idea.
Warnings: Slash (...surprise?), a little coarse language, and BLATANT innuendo. (this is me, remember.)
Summary: After the village he grew up in finds itself in a spot of bother with a dragon, Harry unwittingly gets himself into the rather awkward position of Virgin Sacrifice. After finding the dragon to be completely different from anything he'd imagined, Harry soon discovers that he may still be eaten-just not in the way he expected...Be careful, Harry! Though your life may not be in imminent danger, other things certainly are!
(Another fake cut!) Fake cuts and tags...well on the way to becoming lj-literate...