Nov 23, 2006 10:30
Stands for Self-Righteous Indignation.
Main Entry: righ·teous
Pronunciation: 'rI-ch&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of earlier rightuous, alteration of Middle English rightwise, rightwos, from Old English rihtwIs, from riht, noun, right + wIs wise
1 : acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin
2 a : morally right or justifiable b : arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality
Main Entry: in·dig·na·tion
Pronunciation: "in-dig-'nA-sh&n
Function: noun
: anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
synonym see ANGER
In my case, I am finding it frustrating that some people (whose names shall not be disclosed) feel that they are so free from guilt or sin, that they judge certain actions I make - or just actions made, not necessarily by me - based on their own moral belief system, which tends to be closed.
My mother always told me: Morals are not everything.
I am based on principles because they are a whole lot broader in scope and incorporate the situation, not just "A did X and A SHALL BE PUNISHED!". That's not to say that when someone (when I do) does something wrong, that it's not to be mentionned - no no. It's just to say that sometimes, in life, we don't need to mention every little mistake, especially if it really was an error and not an ignorance or a laziness.
It BOGGLES my mind that people who care so much about world issues, politics, environment can treat their peers so harshly. Shouldn't you be stopping the wars in your immediate world before you can properly stop the wars in the larger scheme of things?
This is just rambling Rhea here. Thanks for reading. Please comment.
I had a dream just before Josie called this morning that I was in Baghdad and there were helicopters flying overhead. And there were random buildings. It was not too hot, from what I recall, but I kept pacing back and forth from building to building, which were mostly abandonned. Or I was too scared to go inside of the ones I couldn't see into.
Then I met this North American couple, and we went into a church, which as you may very well understand was not a church at all - you know, in dreams it is, but it's not.
Anyway, we tried climbing the stairs, but the rail kept getting windier and closer to the wall and eventually I was not able to pass around the railing to climb up, so I came down and we went elsewhere. Then the phone rang. I wonder what I was thinking about. Hm...
I love livejournal. I feel that I can post the most out-of-nowhere stuff on here and that it's perfectly valid.
Thanks friends!
Talk at you later. Fo shizzle.
ps. Whomever said this is like therapy is damn right! I have been talking out loud to myself about my SRI frustrations. This gets it out in a way that makes it feel like I've vented, but didn't burdon anyone, 'cause you have the choice to read or not. Also, I wanna choose my real battles, so this is better than flying off the handle. Amen.