I have pretty magical dreams that tell me important things. I bet you wish you were as clever.

Feb 28, 2005 22:36

So mommy told me how the icky bad nasties were being horrid to Laura and I felt very sad for her. So I thought I should get going on my poisonous dinner party. But I am poor and I do not know where to get arsenic. Until very recently I thought that having left that house everything was fine and I was well balanced and self actualized. No one is completely self actualized. It is impossible. Anyway, I was quite wrong. Maybe I am scarred for life and I need to go to a nice comfy mental institution and write lots of pretty stories in a comfy squishy room. but I digress, well actually I just wanted to say digress, I wish I could make her happy and sparkly. Cause sparkly is good. And you know, I thought I dealt with everything and all their shit pretty well. But I had a telepathic magical special secret gypsy magpie fairy Maggie to talk to me. Maybe laura and Nutty are telepathic like me and Maggie. Laura has two Nuttys. One of them used to be mine. and then we traded. and then I gave her mine so she could have one at each house. Her Nuttys must be way magical to be in two places. Maggie had to go in fred everywhere.

Note: I have a lot of guilt. I discovered this today in class while we were talking about aggression and childhood impulses and stuff like that and freud and how he was kinda wrong maybe.

Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio

So I registered for my classes today. It was a bit scary. Maybe I should quit school and get a job at an Ice Cream Parlor so I can eat tasty treats everyday and get really fat and wear muumuus with ashley and jess. Designer muumuus only though, cause I'm classy like that.

Don't tell us you need us, cause we're the ship of fools

I am going to go back in time and marry Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. And we will have lots of pretty words together.

I want to grow strawberries in a pot with lots of holes in it. They used to sell them in hearthsong. I love that catalogue. I think that's where my mom got the instructions for Maggie. And they have tumbling gnomes! I want a giant tumbling gnome. And that is where Eleanor came from. and all sorts of pretty playthings.

I am a very materialistic kind of person. I like my stuff. but that is ok, cause I don't believe in owning any uncool stuff. and having cool stuff is pretty nice.

I want to have a picnic, and no school. and not to want so many things cause that is selfish and nasty.

oh well....

on an ending note:

Yo sé un himno gigante y extraño
que anuncia en la noche del alma una aurora,
y estas páginas son de ese himno
cadencias que el aire dilata en las sombras.

Yo quisiera escribirle, del hombre
domando el rebelde, mezquino idioma,
con palabras que fuesen a un tiempo
suspiros y risas, colores y notas.

Pero en vano es luchar, que no hay cifra
capaz de encerrarle; y apenas, ¡oh, hermosa!,
si, teniendo en mis manos las tuyas,
pudiera, al oído, cantártelo a solas.

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, rima I
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