At first, I wasn't aware of this username,
spnpermanon. Until my sis told me about it and then I visit her (it's her, right?) LJ and "amazed" at how can those people say those words to other people, the other LJ users and mostly fanfic authors, anonymously. That means, they don't even have guts to tell those words while using their LJ username.
For example, this special thread for this year's
After I read mostly of the comments, they judged a story based on skimming! So, they didn't even read the whole story. Only skimming and then, they felt they had those rights to mock the writers and the fics.
Of course, besides they are hiding under "anonymous", they also set a bunch of codes, just to justify that they do the right way.
They even make a "special" short name for one particular writer. You can see it here, with all the codes they set:
It's really disgusting! I am amazed (once again) why nobody ever report this username. Or maybe they just close their eyes?
I hope my friends in my flist never make a comment in one of threads. If you don't agree with what I said here, you are free to defriend me. Because I don't like this LJ user. Like really!