Since it's been awhile sinceI've said anything about it.....
+Roku made a deal with Truth to take Alphonse's deal. In taking his deal, she offered to give Truth a body. So she was implanted with a red stone type thing, and grew a body. Kinda like being impregnated, but not really.
+Since Truth had been inhabiting Ed Heiderich's body to keep him alive, taking him from the body would then kill Hei!Ed. Roku had to find out a way to keep him alive as well. She talked to Sociel who directed her to Die and Pangu, and they found what was left of his body -- ew, decomposing corpse -- and reconstructed it. Hei!Ed now suffers from some massive PTSD.
+Nothing new on Ed x Al. They haven't spoken. Methinks Al is still a bit paranoid about the whole thing.
+There are some future kids in planning:
Sara = Heidi x Winry (f, me)
Trisha = Hei!Ed x Roku (f, me)
Mae = Ed x Winry (f, me)
Izumi = Al x Roku (f, me)
**Francis Kyuu Bean = Truth x Roku (m, me)
???? = Heidi x Roku (m, michi)
+Roku is a product of m-preg, therefore, her genetics are unstable, and she normally would not be able to have kids. In order to have kids, she will probably make another deal with Truth. This deal will consist of something to do with gate babies, and produce FQB. (see asterisks on previous line)
+Sara, like her parents, is obsessive over mechanical stuff. She met Luc, who is one of Michi's Wingies, and has divised a plan to steal/copy/study their indesructible metal feathers from them to use. No idea how this will work.