Feb 26, 2008 17:24
You know what I just don't understand? The desire for inebriation.
I'll admit that I've never been well and truly shnockered. I've been tipsy, enough to increase my libido noticeably. But never really drunk.
However, I've seen plenty of drunk people. I've seen all levels of drunkenness, from a mild buzz to "No, officer, he's fine. He's just really asleep."
I just don't understand the need for it. What's supposed to be enjoyable about being drunk?
Ok, so maybe if you just have a mild buzz, it can produce a pleasant physical sensation. Aren't there other, less dangerous and less insidious ways of attaining the same thing? Barring sex (and I have heard the physical sensation of an alcohol buzz compared to an orgasm before), there's non-sexual contact that can produce equally pleasant sensations. Heck, there's even mini-thins, which can produce much the same feeling without the unfortunate side effect of disabling higher mental function.
And once you move beyond the gentle buzz and get into true inebriation, then I lose all understanding (and, for that matter, respect). I have yet to see a person who behaves in a worthwhile manner while drunk. Alcohol not only impairs judgement, but it lowers inhibitions, which can on occasion be a good thing, but normally, it reduces the self-imposed limitations on behaviours such as violence and rage, and even worse, unwelcome and unrelenting advances of a sexual nature (which is only aggravated by having those advances directed towards another drunk person, who's lost the ability to say no, so that while it is for all intents and purposes consenting, it is a hair's breadth away from rape in my opinion).
Part of it goes back to my firm belief that the mind is the most important part of the self. I'd much rather be a sickly bed-ridden genius than a healthy and strong idiot. Alcohol does reduce reflexes and co-ordination, but not as badly as it impairs judgement, decision making, memory, logic and reasoning powers, and the healthy behaviour monitoring functions of the superego.
But more than this, I see people drink until they can't stand, can't hold down food or beverage, and have no hope of remembering what happened while they were drunk. I fail to see the appeal of this state.
I'm not suggesting that nobody drink. I'm merely saying that I don't understand the appeal of it.