Jan 03, 2008 19:28
2007 is gone.
Good riddance.
In other news, I am SICK and FUCKING TIRED of being made to feel like being intelligent is a disadvantage. All over the world, people are so lazy, and have been brainwashed into being lazy, that they don't see the need for intelligence. That is, they don't see why they should do hard work to become and remain intelligent.
I'll tell you why: because without intelligence, you cannot ever hope to solve any serious problems. I have always maintained that there is no problem that cannot be overcome by the application of intellect. Being stupid, on the other hand, not only negates problem solving capacity, it also creates more problems.
Stupidity prevents you from seeing many problems that exist in the first place. Social injustice is just one example of this trend. Even if you're the one doing it.
Now of course, the vast majority of people are not overly intelligent. Average intelligence exists for a reason; most people are average. But average intelligence these days appears to be less than average intelligence from fifty years ago. Or, at least, different than fifty years ago. Certainly, problem solving skills are weaker. And the increased level of technological innovation and computer-based machines present in daily life has not helped matters... many people cannot begin to understand the complex workings of a PC. There are tonnes of websites out there that collect stories of computer stupidities.
But of course, computer companies don't make money if they only sell to the intelligent people... so they need to make their products usable by average- and lower-intelligence people. Which means making things harder for the idiots to screw up. For example, in Windows Vista, simple file operations like renaming, copying, and moving files is very difficult to do. This is, I guess, so idiots don't disable the OS by making crucial files inaccessible.
But what about the people, like me, who know what we are doing? All I want to do is move a Quicktime .mov file from one folder to a resident subfolder, and rename it so I know what the video depicts without having to open it. Yet when I try to do either of these things, Vista crashes.
So in order to increase sales to the idiots who don't know what they're doing, those who have a clue are disenfranchised.
For God's sake, let's stop allowing idiocy in this world.
I would say that that was just my opinion, and I could be wrong, but I'd like to think that everyone agrees with me on this. I'd like to say that... but then I have met a few people where were PROUD of their idiocy. PROUD! To be STUPID! What the FUCK is wrong with these people?