As much as I never do quizy things, the ambiguousity and potential for satire means I'm gonna do this one too!
10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now
1. "Happy birthday, you immature, cockgoggled, venacular orifice."
2. "Here's a coathanger, I'll wait for you outside the washroom."
3. "We need to try something new."
4. "There were more sparks then just the ones I made with the capacitors."
5. "Nice shoes... ..."
6. "It's not that you're overdoing it, it's that nobody ever cared in the first place. The repetition of new things that nobody could possibly be interested in will always produce apathy
7. "You're not so ditzy after all."
8. "My weewee go 'wheeee!' "
9. "I'm not gay! That was for school!"
10. "I'm getting fed up with this orgasm."
09 things about yourself
1. I was born with an extremely rare, non-contagious disease that wasn't diagnosed until about the age of 7 (but is only ever acuired at birth). The name of it was very long and medical-sounding, and I never kept a written form of it, so to this day I cannot figure out the name of the disease that I had, despite the occasional searching.
2. I am cynical.
3. I don't have a good counter-argument for when friends call me out on my cynicism.
4. My long-term memory is ass-rapingly poor.
5. One of my favourite things is running into people I know unplanned.
6. I dislike running into people I only know by the barest amount, because it's awkward and I generally don't care. Sometimes people recognize me and I still don't know who they are after talking to them for 30 minutes. The last time this happened it took me 2 months before I found out who it was, though if I'd actively tried to figure it out that might not have taken so long.
7. I've never gotten so drunk that I couldn't remember most of the night before, though not for lack of trying.
8. I've never gotten so drunk that I threw up, though not for lack of trying.
9. I assume that I am potent, though I've never seen any evidence to prove it.
08 ways to win your heart
1. Be a talker; I'm a listener.
2. Be decisive, especially when planning dates.
3. Have a couple of your interests coincide with mine.
4. Make an effort to remember some basic info about my interests, so I don't have to start at square one each time.
5. Smack me when I don't make enough of an effort to remember the same for you.
6. Don't be a rhetorical complainer. Complain about things I can actually conceptualize and profer advice about.
7. Don't tell me you're a pre-op transsexual.
8. (an alternative to the above 7 methods) Eat a lot of pies in a pie-eating competition where the winner wins some sort of blood-pumping organ that was removed from my body through live-organ-transplant surgical processes.
07 things that cross your mind a lot
1. "If everyone around me was suddenly a ninja, what would be the best way to escape this place?"
2. Pamplemousse
3. "I should really practice my sax before the next rehearsal..."
4. "I should really practice my forms before the next M-A class..."
5. "If everyone around me was suddenly a ninja, but that little baby had to be saved, and the building/bus/forest was on fire, and the cement was really lava, how would I get the baby and escape to safety?"
6. A function that defines the amount of protein gained from eating children (B) versus their age (t).
7. "If everyone around me was suddenly a nuclear-robot-ninja, and a hundred babies were being held hostage on the roof of this bus/building/thingamajig, and the ground of [ground-type] was lava, and my right arm was controlled by the nuclear-robot-ninjas, and the nuclear-robot-ninjas were all clones of Bob Dole, how would I save the babies and escape to Latvia?"
06 things you do before you fall asleep
1. Pray to Buddha to keep me safe from Allah, God, Lao Zi, the Seregahl and Kyrgyzstanians.
2. Pray to christian God to keep me safe from Allah, Buddha, Lao Zi, the Seregahl and Tajikistanians
3. Pray to Allah to keep me safe from Buddha, God, Lao Zi, the Seregahl and Turkmenistanians.
4. Pray to Lao Zi to give me super Zhuge Liang taoism powers that I can use to chase away the Seregahl, Kazakhstanians and the Trix Rabbit
5. Pray to the Seregahl to stay away, and while they're at it to keep me safe from Uzbekistanians
6. Think about Koalas
05 people who mean something unique and special to me, but aren't family
1. Catherine
2. Adam
3. Daphne
4. Alyssa
5. Natasha
04 things you're wearing right now
1. shirt
2. pants
3. underwear
4. glasses
(actually those are the only things i'm wearing right now)
03 songs that you listen to often
1. Gene & Eddie
2. La Bomba
3. Meglio Stasera
02 things you want to do before you die
1. Have a family.
2. Have a secret second family.
01 confession
1. I worry, frequently, about whether my chosen career path has any actual appeal to me or if I'm just deluding myself because I chose recklessly.