Aug 22, 2004 16:00
][ what time is it?: 4:o1
][ what is the date?: august 22 2004
][ why are you fillinq this out?: bored..
- favorites.
][ number: 11
][ color: pink
][ season: spring
][ holiday: Easter
][ day of the week: friday!
][ qrade so far: 7th
][ class: what ever is last!
][ drink: strawberry smoothy
][ food: pickles & french fries
][ fruit: watermelon
][ veggie: cucumbers
][ tv show: road rules
][ radio station: 97.5 / 98.5
][ cd: any?
][ animal: hamster
][ clothinq store: american eagle/hollister
][ ice cream flavor: cookie dough
][ breakfast food: bagel
][ way to have fun: wenever im with kjizzle j rizzle and m sizzle
- this or that.
][ me/you: you
][ aol/aim: aim
][ cd/cassette: cd
][ dvd/vcr: dvd
][ radio/cd: radio
][ jeans/khakis: jeans
][ jacket/coat: jacket
][ leather/pleather: leather
][ sparkles/bronze: sparkles
][ sexy/hot: hottt
][ car/truck: car
][ corvette/camero: camero?
][ stronq/weak: strong
][ upset/pissed: upset
][ lunch/dinner: lunch
][ abercrombie/hollister: hollister
][ qap/old navy: old navy
][ nsync/bsb: nsync
][ britney/xtina: xtina
][ love/lust: ?
][ inside/outside: outside
][ lipstick/lipqloss: gloss
][ silver/qold: silver
][ piercinqs/tattoos: peircings
][ football/basketball: basketball
][ thunder/liqhtning: lightning
][ this/that: this
- past.
][ if you could take back one thinq you did , wat would it be? : a lot
][ do you have any reqrets?: yeah ..
][ last thinq you said: singing ece!
- present.
][ what are you doinq riqht now?: doin this survey . music . tlaking to kell
][ what cd is in your cd player?: savage garden? and jup!
][ are you cold?: noppee
][ how are you sittinq?: just normal sitting
][ is there music on?: yupp ECE!!
][ what time is it?: 4o9
][ where are your parents?: ones in toms river . the other ones sleeping
- future.
][ how old will you be when you qraduate hiqh scool?: 18
][ are you qoinq to qet married?: yuppp
][ are you qoinq to have children?: ehh its iffy!
][ if yes, how many?: 2
][ what will you name them?: trevor - boy : mary-kate - girl
][ do you wanna qo to colleqe?: yuppp
][ which colleqe?: monclaire - penn state?
- others.
][ riqhty, lefty, ambidexterous?: righty
][ what do you think of rainbows?: stopping in michelles car in the middle of the road to look at one!
][ do you have any tattoos?: nope
][ if not, do you want any, and where?: sun on ankle
][ what do you think of eminem?: ok?
][ what do you think of britney and justin?: who cares
][ if you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: anywhere in new jersey
][ do you drive?: noppee
][ like milk and cookies?: yes!
][ ever worn black nail polish?: no
][ what color nail polish do you have on?: none
][ if you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: change lifes
][ do you do thinqs even when your parents say no?: of course! who doesnt
][ what's your favorite sonq to "rock out" to?: hot techono - holler kell!
][ ever taken anythinq from a hotel?: yes! off of the cart!
][ did you talk to you crush/bf/qf today?: yes Timothy John Panella <3 him with all my heart!
][ do you think this is stupidly lonq?: yes
][ did you like it?: sure
][ why/why not?: um?
- finish.
][ what is the time?: 416
][ what is the date?: August 22 2004
][ why did you just do this?: boreddd!
<3 comment on it!