Aug 17, 2004 18:59
hey guys . well im really bored and today was horrible! first i had to babysit danny at my house then we went down to kristys to babysit her little brother and 2 cousins then i went home danny was with me then he left around 4ish? then i thought i was just gonna go to timmys house but then i found out i hadda watch ashley and then after that timmy was supposed to come here so i cant still watch ashhley but tthen after i got outta the shower he caleld and said he couldnt come his mom said she was exhausted but thn he said he had to go because he was going somewhere iwht his band? nice . so i was happy? how nice of him! but you no thats just tipical guys right? guys just todays been a waste of summer i jsut wanna for once like go out with my friends and do something fun! like we used to . but everyone has stuff to do and it sucks . i wish things were back to wen i was littler - easier and more fun ugh . lifes weird, wen your young you wanna be older and wen your older you wanna be younger. but thats life for ya and its just the way it goes, unfortuantly = \ . i cant wait to go back to school sometimes just the first month i feel like i donno i guess less stressed and relieved . the summer for some reason has like alot of stress - July , basketball even more than school camps, . August - getting ready for school, no basketball so i like babysitt every mintue of the month its jsut this summer break sucked ass .. mayb next year it'll will change , who knows i jsut cant wait til school ugh this f*cking summer stinks
comment ' im out - peyce
( <3 timmy )