It seems my warehouse has ghost orbs

Nov 09, 2006 23:27

I will go into more details later on, I am planning on uploading all the video footage to my site for everyone that is curious to see. I really do hope someone can come up with an explaination for it, so far ive come up with many theories which have all been shut down. I came up with everything from lighting from the windows, dust, insects etc, but all of those possibilities have been eliminated and these mysterious orbs show up during the night still. It is rather strange, and we would have never known about it except it set off our motion detector. Orbs supposidly can not be detected by a motion detector, yet this night it was, and its one of the faster moving orbs we have on tape. We thought this was a bat at first, but upon reviewing and analysis + looking at previous and now later dates we can confirm they are orbs. There are a few ghost hunter type people that are interested in monitoring our place now ...yes how fun this will be.

Some food for thought: when we first got the place the vietnamese people that had the place would do some weird ass praying ritual infront of the office. they also had a thing they called a guardian that was in the front corner and would give it coffee & muffins daily (note this was a statue of some sort, not a real thing that could actually consume this stuff).

Ever since we moved in we've had a series of bad luck events occur. There always seems to be something, when everything finally seems like its going well, *surprise* new problem. Next and probably most freakiest (coincident, or not a coincident if you believe there are no such thing as coincidences) our phone number we got assigned ends 0666 ....

Weird rituals, bad luck, daemonic number, spirit orbs... that sums up most of it so far.

Thank you and goodnight,
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