Damn these difference engines!

Aug 07, 2009 17:50

My 'puter is on the blink.

This is particularly irritating since I am currently attempting to make said 'puter my primay source of income. Having it BSOD on me about 10-30 minutes after the screensaver kicks off* is sub-optimal, to say the least.

Initially I thought it might be the GFX card, but I only bought that 17 months ago.. and it's not overheating. In fact, it looks fine.

It appears that it might be time for me to begin another complete reformat and reinstall - which nowadays will take around 1-2 days or so, and still cause annoyance when you realise that Utility X is no longer installed.

Oh well. Could be worse. Suppose I'd better get on with it.

I wish stability (or even error tracking) were a priority in modern OS's.

(*Only when a particular program fires, and not always, and it crashes occasionally during YouTube during use, so it's not that simple)
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