Jan 28, 2009 01:23
I was going to blog to you about finding old friends, rebuilding friendships. I was going to tell you that I believe we enter into each others lives as we are needed and learn from each other, and sometimes people stay, and some go. We never really know why. But in the end it all works out as it should.
Instead. .
Instead I am on to discuss the negative effects of people on each other. How your actions can change my life, instantly.
Around 6pm I asked my daughter to take out the trash to the dumpster in the parking lot, This is one chore I may never have her do again. She did it and came back, all was fine. Several minutes later, there was a loud cracking noise in the breezeway. Yes some of you will recognize the sound of gunfire. All of us in the hall looked out and slowly the chaos erupted. We realized that the guy next door to me had just been SHOT in the chest. We later found out it was a through and though shot, entered his chest hit a rib missed his heart went though a kidney then out his back. He was in surgery. I hope he will be alright.
OK I am really tired and lost half of my post trying to hide it behind a cut. In short I don't believe their story. (There are fishy details that were wiped out)
The brothers have anger control issues. I think they pissed some one off. I am worried that there is going to be a war in my yard that I want nothing to do with. Random act or not, some asshole's lack of respect and inability to play nice with others has changed the lives of everyone in this building. Jade no longer feels safe her and that pisses me off to no end. I was scared as well, now I am just angry. I have started to make arrangements to move out sooner than expected now. March 31 is my lease date. My new place is ready Feb 1 or close to it. Tomorrow I am going to give notice to the apartment s here and vacate as fast as I can. Hope fully hey will release me, if not that is tomorrow's battle.
My friend Dan says that I am making too big a deal of this, that it is random and over with. I have nothing to worry about. I love my friend, but he is single, no kids, and well - a 6'4 well built male. I am beyond caring about whether I am over reacting or not. Even though this happened to the family next door, not directly to us, Jade's safety and overall well being is paramount. I know that some one was watching out for her in those few minutes she was outside, walking past their apartment to get home to ours . . . I am thankful, but not stupid. I cannot take the risk of this happening again.