Jul 06, 2014 23:53
Things are 85% under control. That's a big accomplishment given at the beginning of the weekend they were only 25% under control. I worked all day yesterday and today and made a lot of progress, got a lot done. It's never completely done. I wish some days I could literally just sit there and twiddle my thumbs. Alas, I am swimming in a pile of work.
The thing I appreciate, which happened in kind of a roundabout way without my realizing, is I have become my own boss. Although we have never discussed this with my supervisor or really anyone at the company, little by little I have been given endless amounts of freedom. It's gotten to such an extreme point that I could wake up tomorrow, get on plane, fly anywhere on the planet (even in space, as long as they have internet), and work or not work from there. It's pretty crazy and sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to escape from, because I am free to come and go as I please. This is an exaggeration, because I am tied to deadlines and responsibilities. And I am leading teams populated by some incompetent people who don't care. However there are also good employees too. In India mostly. Though there are slackers in India too. One girl in particular.
Speaking of India, I would like to return there some day sooner than later. I had a very positive experience there. Perhaps because I wasn't expecting anything and took extreme precautions and pampered myself with lavish surroundings at every opportunity. But what I actually wanted to say is I found India to be a gentle and friendly place, which had the right answers to life's questions. Or at least answers that resonated with me. For example, I felt safe walking around at night down unlit alleys. No way in hell I would do that in Brazil. But in Russia and the former republics that is the norm. I also think India's priorities are in the right place: education, technology, social welfare? Well maybe not that last one, but India feels high-class even though it is poor. Brazil on the other hand has lots of ostentatious wealth but feels low-class at times. (E.g. Semiautomatics in public.) Again, just my personal eye witnessed opinion.
large and in charge,