Apr 14, 2005 10:29
93 all,
Well not many pics for wednesdays adventures... But we had a little surprise when JN gave us a call as he is in NOLA too!
After waking and coffee we took the St. Charles trolly to uptown to goto Westgate Gallery (Leilah Wendell's Necro Art) Some items and paintings are well done but overall I think they could do better with presentation and courtesy. But what can you expect from devotee's of Azrial :)
after that and a bite of pizza we headed back to meet up with JN and we ended up first at a free jazz/blues concert in the square. then off for more drinks and a stop at the Vampire Boutique. A round of Blood Marys, G&Ts and meeting up with the local OTO we head for Thai food at the Red Dragon (Old Opium den freq by A.C.) then to a small bar near "Ward 7" (aka if your white do not enter) called "Saturn" which was like drinking in the most saturated junk filled barn, with the stench of cat piss and baby cockroaches... After one round we head over to a hookah lounge for drinks and sweet tobbacco. Lastly we end up at the Whirling Dervish for 80-90s Goth/Indust. music and further drinks.
In bed by 2am
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