I just got my scanner! *yeah* :D
and because i have some magazines lying around - actually, well stored and sorted ^^ - i decided to scan some of them and upload it here. They are all older magazines because its been a while since ive been to japan and ordering them is quite expensive. (nevertheless i will spend about 25$ to get my Nissy Cool Up - come on, its full of his pictures!!! XD) its actually crazy - because in japan you get a magazine for 500Yen and if you life oversea you have to pay about 10times more! okay, Johnny's magazines are about 15$ (500Yen = 5$)
enough of that - thats why i am sharing what i have XD
note about scans:
*) I DO take requests - thats why i post a bigger size of the front cover
+) preview will be LQ, scans are HQ (actually my first scans are rather big 600px - i will scan further magazines only on request like this, everything else will be Standard 300px)
*) if you want a better scan (like HQ, LQ XD, a full text,...) just tell me, i will try my best to help
+) you can use these scans for everything you want, i WILL NOT be putting ugly watermarks on my scans!
and: if you have any tips how i can improve - pls tell me! I havent figured out yet how to do it the best way >_<
♪ credit me if you like/remember ^^
comment when taking? - if you feel like it and want me to keep scanning :D
JUNON 2008/02
[MF] - AAA
Matsuda Shouta
[MF] - Matsuda Shouta
ARENA 37°C 2009/03
i will most definetly scan GACKT and 雅-miyavi too
AAA (without Nissy, with Urata solo)
[MF] - AAA