"Wish your year will be filled with tons of smiles" by 雅-miyavi
I hope you all can start into 2010 healthy and happy - if not I hope your next year will be a chance to change (^_~)
Happy New Year!
I wish everyone good health
I hope for your continued favor this year!
haha, maybe I am going to post this at the fanclub message board too. I was sooo happy to recieve a new years card yesterday!!! I mean, we pay for it, but its nice to be treated that way XD so, if you consider becoming a co-miyavi -> do it ;)
wanted to watch Johnny's countdown (japan time: 23:45 - 0:45 at Fuji TV) via keyhole, but it won't connect anymore ... too many fangirls online i guess ^^ anyway, i could see Arashi' first performance "Believe" - and I am sure some nice fansubbers will release the whole show soon...
it's 0:00 in japan!!!! Happy New Year!!! (^_^)/♪♪
okay, now 2009 is over! has it been a good year for you?
for me, it was a crazy year ... and i didnt get to fly to japan :(
it was filled with disappointments... sad stories...
but i dont want to miss a second of it! that's whats living for!!!
2009 I didnt feel like celebrating christmas nor new year... but life keeps going on, if you want to participate or not...
but hey, I want to do SOMEthing so here are my 2009 highlights:
went to 雅-miyavi's concert for the first time and joined his fanclub
had a GACKT calender over my pc --> saw him all year
increased my 嵐 video collection A LOT!
tried some sports for the very first time -> realized how much i missed doing sports
kept a diary everyday -> grew as a person because i started to see things from a different view
rewatched older fandom stuff (like TLotR and PB) -> I will always love my fandom!!!
increased my japanese skills - Im actually able to watch movies without subs or talk with Japanese ^^
got close to my dear friends and started to care for my REAL friends only
started to take pictures when i felt like it - even if it felt out of place ^^
worked on my guitar and drawing skills
and here are my top 10 (in no order, come on, its difficult enough to choose 10 only!)
wait: i have an idea! how about ranking them by age ^^ muahaha XD
GACKT (36... no 350 in 2010?)
雅-miyavi (?)
大野智 (29)
二宮和也 (26)
藤原竜也 (27)
松山ケンイチ (24)
山下智久 (24)
松田翔太 (24)
西島隆弘 (23)
亀梨和也 (23)
okay, this list became a bit RANDOM... because i had to check my "currently watching" posts for dramas I watched - and liked/left a great impression - so this is a mixed list and not really how i felt all 2009. but hey, actually, who cares? (btw: i like nissy for - less than a month? but for 雅-miyavi's concert i was looking forward all year XD) and i didnt include all members of 嵐... not because they are not important to me (yeah, really, suprise ^^) but because i wanted to keep the list mixed XD
well, know Im taking off to spend this night with watching my favourite dramas and movies :D (yeah, no party because - honestly - im too lazy right now ^^ and i enjoy watching stuff way too much :P )
last words:
i dont think a new year can change anything
i dont believe people can start anew because a new year started
but I know that you can grow as a person
- when you understand these little things for yourself
best wishes