Google Maps - Shibuya Crossing Arashi

May 18, 2009 21:08

well, i was bored right now. maybe i should post this at an Arashi community because then maybe someone would actually be interested in this... well, i never posted my own stuff there ^^

okay, i was bored (actually i have lots of stuff to do ^^) and decided to walk through Tokyo with google maps. this time i tried the Shibuya station (i just LOVE this place, dont know why i havent done that earlier...)

anyway, i was surprised (and excitied) to see Arashi's AU by KDDI cm hanging there. but only at one postition, every other have a cm i dont know/recognize *shrugs*

here's a picture (actually 2), if ANYONE beside me thinks thats worth looking at ^^


and yes, i KNOW i am not being active at LJ at all. I am really sorry. can't say RL is too exciting but i just dont happen to be around a lot anymore...
and i also know that my layout sucks right now. wanted a new one and screwed up ...

artist: 嵐, fandom

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