Dec 30, 2005 05:39
So...I've been thinking of what my plans are. Of course, since I've been posting them constently and you guys who read been going...OMG SHUT Up. That's what LJS are for...posting rants and problems know!
I'll probably be moving back in with my parents next week sometime...either the weekend of before. It all depends really. One bad thing is work considering I will be taking the bus to it! Yay...I asked for shorter hours/not so late shifts cause I don't want my parents driving me home late late. We'll see what will be done!
First things on the Agenda
1. Car / License!
Oh of course. I haven't been all thrilled about this yet it is finally hitting me for the past month that I need one cause you really are stuck at home doing nothing. As friends don't want to constently drive you and parents either...kinda akward at the age too. So I am going to do one final Drive with my parents while going over the student test of what they do. After that it's test taking time!...then what else! CARRRR RAWRRR. I'm not getting some beasty car...I want something small such as a neon or my moms ION. Maybe I'll just steal that =d
2. College / Saving
OH my...School again!?! Yeah. I am really aiming to go back to school in Spring! I really don't want too yet I took my year off as I said. If not I'll have my parents or someone really put me in my place to take it at the LATEST SUMMER. By this time I am hoping to have a new job by then (ie spring.). Saving is for College and a Car really. I can't save at the moment til the lease is paid yet I'll have like 2 months for saving for college! I hope...something..maybe 3. When does spring start?! LOL
3. Friends / Shyness Cure
Friends! Things everyone needs and I think this will be 3rd cause I can't get there until I have the ability to drive and college may help out in this field too! We'll's on the agenda. As for the Shyness Cure...I'm going to create it and cure everyone! WEEEE LOL No. I just will get over this in time with friends helping me..I'll learn and decide to speak when I can!
4. Working Out
WHAT'S THIS!?! WORKING OUT!?! ROFL...LOL...XD ..Yeah I do plan to get in shape. This can actually be a slow rise to get there yet I am hoping to go with my good ole buddy Paul and goto the gym to work out. I feel the need to gain muscle on my body. I know I'm average, nothing special in strength or anything yet I want that. Even if it's just alittle more then what I have really. I think this could help out with my shyness cause I'll feel alittle better about myself.
I really do feel that I have learned a lot in just a short time. I wish to keep this motivation of mine and go forth with it strong! As I feel the mistakes I've made in some of my relationships relate to these problems except #4. Well not all of it just a little I'm saying. #3 (2nd part) if at anything the most. If I can get my life organized, set and well I think I'll be really set for a healthy relationship and enjoy it as much as she hopefully does when that comes. Hopefully I have the friends around me to keep pushing me in this direction and new ones to come. I'm glad of the ones I have now...whether they be my good friends or just people I see (the word I can't spell XD) Acq... something
Paul M. - Good Ole Buddie of mine! Always there to help such as the job i have now. Yet it went downhill yet it was a job so I am greatly appreciated of it. Friends since 7th Grade and still going! :O Lol..gotta hang out and you gotta smack me next time if I ever get caught up in a relationship and somehow ignore friends as it should NEVER BE LIKE THAT.
Michael R - Mike! HAHA I know...I am slowly adjusting to Michael yet can't say it'll be perfect. Friends alittle before Paul yet you moved ;.; Sadness came cause we use to hang out like every friday and SSBM IT UP! LOL Always thought about moving to where you are yet at the time it's not the right time since i'd probably die =o dunno...I gotta figure a time to visit ya! O_O
Brittany Z - Ahh...We never really hung out...we tried once a couple of weeks ago yet I was sleeping too long. My schedule does that too me! Still want to yet I kinda don't want too either. Sounds weird yet without a car it feels like I can't fully commit to a better friendship. I don't want simple hey I need a ride. You know...I think. I want to hang out lots with friends and not once a month or something. Confusing I know yet friends since..8th Grade! WOO Ex-G/f (oh man...that was bad on some part...mainly me LOL) and a good friend like everyone else. Glad to have ya as one.
Beth M - Ha...We never really were too talktive in school...more like "Hi..." that's it. I remember we did hang out for a few times once yet that stopped cause of conflicts that arose at the time. Ohhh the good times. Started to hang out again til we went out. Longest relationship I had and I felt I gotten the most out of it. Pushed me to motivate myself despite it may have been alittle late yet a good friend. Do like to hang out once I get a license/car. I KNOW! I'm going to throw myself a congratulation party of my license when it comes. It'll be awesome.
Cassie B - Wow...One friend I wished I improved on. Another person I went out with and I feel again that I wish I could have done better with. I don't know what you do really nowadays yet maybe one day we'll be able to hang out again and I can make up my little relationship of a friendship. That may sound weird and all funky yet yeah! Sorry for any troubles I caused =x You were always funny, straight forward
Rachel M - Ha...Pauls Sister. Good moments and bad ones O.o but their is always one with people yet Sorry. Yet You were always a good person to talk too despite it may have been only Online. Just honestly your looks were too much for me as you were very good looking so that scared me away alittle. Another person I miss cause never see ya anymore or really talk too cause it's...akward? I dunno. I hope your enjoying yourself and found a guy since last time I knew you were having problems =o
Amanda R - Really didn't know too much about you...talked to online out of no where for a bit...silent moment then moved into the apartment and worked with ya. good person yet need to stop struggling! gotta look forward and figure out your life soon cause you don't wanna be stuck in the moment you are in now forever! Hopefully things look up for you soon!
Chris K - The DDR MACHINE HIMSELF. Lol, we never really hung out.. Why? I have no Car! HAHA Amazing yet you were always one to talk about interesting things it seemed. I missed out on those good moments you guys had and maybe one day I'll get to catch up on those if that time ever comse. We'll see. =o
Kevin B - Same as Chris yet alittle more settle I think. MAybe I'm wrong since I didn't really see you as much as I did Chris or anything. I dunno1 I don't have much to say since like I said...similar to Chris XD
Of Course my Family! What else...Most important of them all and most glad for. Good Parents...Overprotective Sister LOL Yeah yeah..good stuff though.
I know their may be people saying I forgot. Whether it be Online yet I know I could continue with Online people though I made this post long enough. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO THAT LINKING know where when you click it, it goes to a much larger version of the post? Thanks cause I know this is HUGEEEEEEEE