
(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 05:26

Well well well! What do we have here. NOTHING HAHA

So, life...neh, living as usual. I'm on the verge of like dying of not having a car/license and top priority right now when I get a chance. As for the money of everything I'm perfectly fine and have alittle more money then I expected so I'm not to worried about that either. I'm also on the verge of quitting meijers due to the fact they keep adding so many little things to 2nd shift cleaning that it is making it ridiculous to what they ask and expect. It's at the point if I really need to stay. I know I need the job to get money, yet I'll be moving back to my parents which is way far away and will make transportation difficult without a car for a month or two. I dunno...I do know that I will have to ask dawn or chris to give me a set time to get out (ie. 9pm latest) as I don't wanna burden my parents with driving out past 10pm when they could be sleeping as they work in the morning. Pretty much I almost considered quitting today or at least telling them my 2 week notice of quitting. I'm just tired of it...too many changes, making the whole place different and not worth it anymore unlike the first time I started which I could have dealed with.

I thought a couple of times if I could move to chicago with mike. I mean, good friend there, new start...yet I go back to the thing, am I running away? am I going to struggle and all that. I don't think I'll go there just things that pop up in my mind. You know...when you have as much time as me you tend to have lots of time to think! haha...

I'm missing the cuddleness...I'm a cuddle whore! SO! CUDDLE WHORE ME LOL ...Neh, just missing the feeling of being liked/loved/etc.

I've been catching up on some movies/animes that I've been slacking to watch for a bit. I just finished Midori Days (Episode 1-5..well, 4&5 since never finished past 3), watched some Chobits and plan to finish hopefully before beth takes them back. I just started Tsubasu Chronicles (creator of Card Captor Sakura, X,...the clamp dude Lol) and up to episode 8! One thing I like about this is the lovely fights, romance etc...that's what I love! I just wanna pounce sakura and huggle her cause they make her sound/look so damn cute! Only thing I think they abused is this one song...OVER AND OVER IT'S USEDDDD....lol I was like wow...used the budget on like 4 songs? Intro, Ending & Drama/Romantic/Fight moment? Lol

Lastly...I'll continue to say this just for reminders for me really..

1. Car/License
2. New Job (Herman Miller or a good one)
3. Learn to Talk/gain friends
4. Life (same as 3)
5. Own at Counter-strike and Do well in Quake 4 (new game going to get)
6. Get a cuddle buddy...sounds weird right! lol such a weirdo...I know =/
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