Jun 20, 2005 08:54
Well, I decided to go back to doing at least 15 Push-Up (as a start) and 20 Sit Ups...now you might say that Push-ups should be harder and sit-up are easier so I should be able to do more but I haven't really exercised since or did anything since like last summer. I was up to 25-30 Push-Ups & 50 Sit-Ups last year...So I just want to get my stomach alittle toned if not some Abs =] and chest toned too. They won't get muscles as I would need weight to do that...
Though I did do what I wanted today and wow...WOW, I'm so out of shape since I had difficulties and didn't expect it. Since I thought I could do 15 push-ups at max, I knew that...but sit-ups I thought I could do at least 30, not my start off goal LOL...Let me say, my arms are rawring at me for doing this but in time I hope it'll pay off.
I'd like to get some dumbells? to work out my biceps since they are nothing! haha...I have triceps sorta, but small biceps. Yep Yep!!! weee *dies* won't this be fun...my joy starting this over since I do this before I sleep. I'll change it to twice a day but for now...I'll get more in shape I should say lol...
For a different topic, I think I may go out to turn in some more applications this week depending on how the weather is and if the weather channel doesn't lie to me. After I get that all done, consider going down to the beach to attempt to regain my tan back from 4 years ago LOL Yeah...Tan-ness O.o Though Wednesday or Thursday is possibly the day I may go since weather says to be in High 70's low 80's on those days. Sunny...o.o