
Nov 06, 2004 16:41

Since my days of having braces are over, I have decided to whiten my teeth. I am using the Crest Whitestrips. I have yet to notice a difference, but my mother claims she can see a change. I am happy to finally have my teeth back to me. I missed the days of eating things that are sticky and yummy. I did it anyway, but that doesn't matter now. I hope to get my teeth nice and white, and then get some of the spots fixed that the braces caused. It is funny becasue I would never consider cosmetic surgery in the past. But I want some done now. Mind you, I am not getting lypo or a face lift. But, cosmetic dentistry is still a kind of making yourself look better than the higher powers have made you. But I guess the braces were kinda like that too, but some of that was my fault.

Kevin called today and we may go out to eat. I miss my brother not being around, but I don't miss the fights. I really don't miss the fights. But that doesn't mean that I love not having him here. It gets lonely when it is just mom and I, and then dad is home for like 2 hours and goes to bed. I miss having someone to talk to about shit. But I don't miss the fights, think I've said that enuff??? I guess I am glad he lives close enuff to just call and come over tho, if he went back to MA, I'd be really sad. But then again, that is what I want to do, maybe not MA, but I want to get the fuck out of Idaho when I am old enuff to go to college. Might be because I find this state boring, might be becasue I want more of a choice for college, might be because I want to rebell and freak out about having to move a lot, I am not sure. But I am sure that I prolly want to leave Idaho when I go to college.

I kinda bitch a lot about not liking Idaho. But the truth is it has some OK parts. I love rafting, I am not sure if we'd have gotten a raft in MA. And I know we would not raft as much in MA. I love Chartar, for the most part. I am pretty sure that if I was still in MA, I'd still be in GMHS. Now don't get me wrong, GMHS doesn't suck that bad, but there is no way I could get the opportuniteis I have now. I am not even sure if G-town peeps read this, but meh. If you are in G-town comment. Hell, if you read this comment. I want to know who is reading.

I am listening to Eight Easy Steps, it is a fucked up song. The words are odd, and kinda depressing. Well, seems like all for now.

NOTE: Coppied from my toher blog and not changed. Gammy.p9r.net
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