Reflect on someone, or something you once treasured but may no longer have. In what ways have your impressions of this person or thing changed as you have gotten older?
Jenny Beth, theres a certian ring to it that gets me everytime. Jeni Wood moved from Ohio to sarasota in 9th grade. I never knoew she would become my best friend. Some how...some way I ended up meeting Jeni and she turned out to be the most true, genuine, and nicest person. Soft spoken, yet full of energy, she was definitely somebody i wanted to get to know.
After countless conversations online, religion came up one day. I asked her if she had found a church since she moved down. After she said no i invited her to youth group. That was one of the best things i have ever done. I dont think i have ever seen anyone fit in to such a close knit group that well. After a few weeks everyone in the youth group felt like they knew her for years.
The best memory I have was our Kentucky trip. The whole way yo Kentucky she kept us all laughing. She coined phrases like "China!" and "your the apple of my eye". She was dubbed numerous nicknames, such as jenny beth, benny jeth, and Jeni lee. She took us to places like "lovers leap" and took us pineapple hunting on the side of the highway.
After a few heartwarming days of working with homeless people, ex-criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, and underprivledged children, our youth group was back at the group home talking about our experiences. It ended up going into the late hours of the night and tears were shed, problems shared, and friendships formed.
....that night a friendship was formed that means the world to me
and will last forever
Unfortunately "Beth" had to move bach to Ohio. But my impression hasnt changed, shes still the sweet, innocent caring "Benny Jeth" i grew to love. No matter where she lives, no matter what she does, she will always be my best friend. Nobody else can pick me up when im down like she can.
And nobody can make me feel as happy as she does.
Nothing will ever change.
...I Miss Her