I'm Annoyed.

Feb 04, 2008 17:39

God I'm so annoyed with life. The majority of the anime club is pissing me off. Doing school work is stressing me out. I'm self conscious about my freaking fanlistings?! THe triple layout thing probably wasn't the best idea, I realize that but I'm so tired and I don't feel like making more layouts and I lack inspiration. Anyway, without further ado,

Rainbow Grapes -- Lambo Bovino

Meh.... I'm so withdrawn I feel like crap and I don't really enjoy running fanlistings but the five I'll continue to run (Hizumi, Kanone, Ryuuoh, Nachi, and Touya). All are less loved characters that I would be hard pressed to find a good owner other than the previous ones. Aside from that, comment plz? Oh, I should also get a separate update thing, shouldn't I?

website: fanlistings, website: domain

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