If you play Counter-Strike: Source, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and/or Team Fortress 2, then check out my Clan, Total Punishment Gaming ]TPG[.
We are recruiting players for all three games (members do not need to own all three - they can have one, two or all if they choose to) or if you don't wish to join at all, our servers are still open to the public and anyone is welcome to join up and play. Our servers' information is on our site along with some info about us and what we're all about.
We're looking for active members who will support our servers by helping keep them full, so if you are interested in joining, just remember that the more we see you in our servers, our Ventrilo and our forums, the better it is for you. We want to get to know people before they become members (we like having quality players we can get along with and have fun with over having tons of strangers in our Clan), so the quicker the Clan gets to know you, the faster you make it in.
If you're interested in learning more or have questions, feel free to contact me. :)
P.S. I designed the site and forum skins. :3 lol