zombie meme

Jun 11, 2008 10:25

Pinched from
anteka, because I need some fun and silliness today. :D

You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:

1. one weapon.
2. one song blasting on the speakers.
3. one famous person to fight alongside you.

Weapon can be real or fictional. Person can be real or fictional.

Ok flist, don't let me down!

My original responses:

1. Weapon - naginata (and the skill to use it!)

2. Song - Enter Sandman by Metallica, maybe? As long as it's loud and has a solid beat to get my blood pumping, it'll do.

3. Person - Gah, I was going to say Buffy! Hmm... Faith is too... Faith, so that exhausts the Slayers that are cool enough. Maybe Ash, then, if it's down to a fight, he's good with zombies... Aha, I have it!! Wolverine, an ass-kicking, regenerating meat-shield! (Of course, the best non-fighty option would be MacGyver so he can finagle us out of the zombie-infested mall and concoct a de-zombification bomb from the contents of the detergent aisle. LOL showing my age!)

I c&p'd my reply from Andie's LJ, and she chose Buffy already which is why I wanted to choose something different. Yes fellow fangirls, I was tempted to choose Spike, but he gets his ass handed to him a little too often. :p

In retrospect, especially given the SPNness of her journal, I'm surprised I didn't think of Dean Winchester, But then, while we love Dean, we all know that Bobby Singer is the big gun on that show. :D AMIRITE?


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