birthday loot! 2008

Apr 03, 2008 11:52

Oh I am so spoiled this year! *beams*
For some reason, I didn't think I was going to get any online pressies this year. Clearly I am a dork, and need to adjust my radar!

cmc42 wrote me three lovely ficlets that made me smile til my cheeks ached - one each of RenRuki, RenIchi, and ByaRen.

abandonreality sent me a deliciously naughty gift (pun intended, harr!) for my favourite guys.

moshesque wrote me a ByaUlqui ficlet that ties into the longer story I'm currently writing for that pairing. I'm bursting with pride that I've been ficced by one of my favourite fan writers, even though she is also one of my bestest friends! ^_^ (There's also promise of some mysterious "longer story" that has me rubbing my hands gleefully and trying to guess what it could be.)

The mystery revealed! Mosh wrote RenIchi for me, too. *flails*  It's so wonderful, I am just bouncing in my seat over it! Go read it, if you haven't already. It's completely gorgeous, RenIchi UST & first discovery at its best. *_*  Mosh you are made of win. =:)

stark_black surprised me with an IchiIshi 'morning after' fic that had me grinning and laughing my head off. :D

2metaldog wrote me a RenIchi fic! It's funny and sexy and ooh, it hits so many of my RenIchi buttons, I just know you're all going to love it, too! :D

I think the biggest surprise of all was this utterly gorgeous RenRuki artwork done on the sly by Shelagh. I'm still completely gobsmacked. So much love! ♥  How amazingly beautiful is this?  It was definitely time for some RenRuki love, and I'm thrilled to itty bitty pieces that it's all for me.

As ever, click for full size, and leave your love on the dA post. :)

'The Scent of You'

I also had emails and IMs from so many people. Me all day yesterday: *_*

A little birdie tells me that there will be more pressies eventually, too. I'm already so very spoiled! Thank you all so much for the great birthday fun. ^_^

fanart, loot list, renji/rukia, birthday

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