Come As You're Not recap, Star Trek:TOS

Nov 09, 2009 16:14

Hey there, all you cool cats! :)

This year's Come As You're Not party was great fun. I squeezed in just under the wire, offering my first Due South fic as my costume. There were some steamy Torchwood threesomes, some Merlin slash, some House MD, and some Star Trek (reboot) fics.

Speaking of Star Trek, I've been rewatching ST:TOS. Yes, that's right, the original! I did enjoy the reboot movie, it was very well done, but it mostly made me nostalgic. So I gave in and gathered up the three seasons of original Trek, expecting to be laughing at the cheese. And I did, I laughed at the rubber suit monsters, the glowy effects, and the futuristic space babes - but I was also struck by a new appreciation for it. Things I hadn't noticed before suddenly shone out at me. I did remember that they tackled a lot of social issues, and some of the commentary was done with hammer-like finesse, but there were subtleties that I'd never appreciated before. Many times I sat right up and said, "Oh wow, they went there!"

I've always been a proud Trek fan, and I'm even more excited about it now that I've seen it again properly (in order, from the top). :) I'm working through the movies now (watched the first three yesterday, somehow... it was 3:30am when we grudgingly turned off the tv). TNG is next, and so on down the line.

I always liked Spock better than Kirk. It's even in the geek girl guide. *grin* I was therefore shocked when I realized just how awesome Kirk can be. No, I mean it! I get why people used to ask "Kirk or Picard?" I always said Picard before, because my memories of Kirk were fuzzy with age and I mostly remembered him smooching his way across the galaxy and delivering over-the-top speeches. But wow, Kirk was... really something as a captain.  I'd have to think about the question, now.

I also discovered that Scotty is still cool, and that McCoy still makes me ridiculously happy. I love him to bits, and when he smiles that big ol' smile, everything just lights up.

Somewhere in season 1, hubby and I had a bizarre conversation.

Me (talking to the tv): Keep arguing! Aw, c'mon Kirk, don't interrupt them, they were just getting into it! Fight more, guys!
Him: Yeah, fight more, then go off and have epic angry sex!
Me: Yeah! ...wait, what? *laugh*
Him: You know, I just don't get this whole Kirk/Spock thing. I just don't see it.
Me: Well it's early yet, but yeah I'm not getting that vibe, either.
Him: Clearly it's Spock and McCoy. They've got all the tension! *grins* Did I break your brain?
Me: Pfft, no, I noticed that 'round about episode two.

I don't exactly ship it, but I would watch an entire episode of Spock and McCoy debating quantum physics or molecular biology or... well, just about anything. Their banter thrills me to my toes, and those episodes that highlight their branch of the triangle are terrific. 'The Empath' nearly broke my heart.

All that BFFness those three have is completely awesome.  Good friendship stories are the best, and these guys have it down.  Watching them balance their duties with their personal feelings was really something; it was sometimes frustrating but always... fascinating.  As I watched this trio progress, I told hubby that I thought the Winchesters (SPN) must've watched a lot of Trek growing up, because Kirk, Spock, and McCoy showed a remarkable tendency to throw themselves into danger to try and sacrifice themselves for the others.

I've been following swiss_kun's ST review posts, which are heavy on the McCoy (works for me!). It looks like I'm going to have to go buy some of the novels, which is something I never thought I'd do. The call of the fanservice is just too much to resist, though. :D

So that's what I've been up to. Hope everyone else is having a good fannish time, too! :) Anyone getting into any fun new/old things?

come as you're not, chatter, star trek

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