Due South fanfic - Backwards Psychology

Nov 06, 2009 23:20

Finished, just under the wire!

For the last day of karaokegal's Come As You're Not Halloween party, I present...

Title: Backwards Psychology
Author: Akuni
Universe: Due South
Genre: post-CotW, Romance, Drama, first time
Rating: R
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Spoilers: entire series
Word Count: 8115
Summary: Fraser and Dief are at odds, and Ray tries to help.

Disclaimer: I ( Read more... )

come as you're not, due south, fanfic, fraser/kowalski

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Comments 48

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akuni November 9 2009, 17:48:51 UTC
Me too! :) It took an effort to get my sick butt up off the couch, but I'm glad I got this done in time.

I'm still a little in shock that I managed to turn out something I'm so pleased with. Writing in a new fandom is already scary enough, but when it's a mature fandom with some of the best writing out there, well!

Thanks again for all your help. I absolutely could not have done it without you. <3


karaokegal November 8 2009, 03:10:44 UTC
Thanks for coming to the party with such a fancy costume.

I was reading as I'm not because I'm only slightly familiar with the fandom, but I love 'first time' fics with a lot of build-up so this was right up my alley.

Also, the dog sounds so adorable that I might have to start watching just for that.


akuni November 9 2009, 17:53:32 UTC
Dief is utterly adorable. :) I did pack a lot of his cute antics into this, but he really is a character all his own sometimes.

I think everyone should watch DS. *g* There's so much to enjoy - humour and goofiness balanced with serious angst, and some terrifically fun banter.

Thank you for reading as you're not, and for hosting another smashing party. I'm still making my way through the offerings, but so far it's all top notch! Once again, everyone pulled on their best feathers.


love_jackianto November 12 2009, 19:45:54 UTC
'Also, the dog sounds so adorable that I might have to start watching just for that. '
You should! Dief was very adorable, no matter which dog played him. He was played by four different dogs during the run of the series. You can get the entire series (all 68 episodes) on dvd for only $20.


karaokegal November 12 2009, 19:48:39 UTC
I'm awwwwwwwwwwing just from the icon. I know you and I have shipping differences, but doggie love brings us all together.

I'll definitely look into getting the DVD. $20.00 is a good deal and hubby will soon be asking what I want for the holidays.

Thanks for the imput! (Next year I hope you'll think about coming to the party.)


samstjames November 8 2009, 17:10:03 UTC
So, I barely remember that this series had a funny title in German and that in the few glimpses I had I loved Dief but well, that's all. I had completely forgotten about it.

I'm not into the slash but You lost an argument with a dog. seriously made me laugh my ass off; thank you very much for that.


akuni November 9 2009, 17:55:19 UTC
Funny title? Do tell!

Thanks so much for giving this a try, and I'm delighted to have given you a good laugh. :D

I can't wait to check out more of the great costumes that turned up this year!


samstjames November 9 2009, 18:27:25 UTC
Okay, maybe the title wasn't funny, but kind of... "duh... not gonna watch it".
They even changed names after airing the first season o.O.
At first it was called: "Ausgerechnet Chicago" (translates to something like: of all things Chicago) and then they changed it to "Ein Mountie in Chicago" (A Mountie in Chicago). Which isn't a very appealing title if you ask me.


akuni November 9 2009, 18:32:08 UTC
I see! The first one's kind of cute, but yeah the second is pretty boring.


annieroo2 November 9 2009, 04:26:16 UTC
I hope you know by now how much this story enchanted me from the very first conversation.

I adored it every step of the way and felt so honored to be asked to give you an occasional boost, even if it was just some ridiculous distraction.

I am still over the moon that you wrote this and let me get sneak peeks along the way. Yes I know I'm a shameless voyeur, but you're the one that chose to indulge me. :P

Your Ray voice thrills me no end and I hope you spoil me some more by continuing to write him so deftly, or maybe not so deftly in his case. ;)

Kicking and screaming or not, I have thoroughly enjoyed my foray into Due South fandom and I will always be grateful to you for your less than subtle shove. *snerk*


akuni November 9 2009, 17:57:18 UTC
That's me, Queen of Less-Than-Subtle. *g*

Your help was invaluable, I don't know what I would've done without your help. I would've been dreadfully stuck, at the very least.

It's been a great ride, and I'm looking forward to more DS fun with you! <3 (Now if I can just kick this cold...)


annieroo2 November 12 2009, 04:17:31 UTC
Invaluable my ass. I just got a thrill out of getting to kick you in the ass a time or two. ;) I NEVER get to do that kind of fun stuff. *giggles*

DS totally rocks BB and I have you and your treacherous ways to thank for that. *snerk*

So what's it gonna take to get you to write me a DS threesome? Bwahaha how badly did you wince when you read that? :P


akuni November 12 2009, 04:24:56 UTC
*is treacherously awesome!*

Oh boy... a platonic threesome I could do. I'd need vodka for slash. *g* LOL no wincing, just a tiny brain spaz!


mizface November 12 2009, 02:53:37 UTC
PLEASE tell me you're gonna post a link to this to the dS noticeboard. Because this gem needs to be shared. It's fun and funny and angsty and aggravating and in character and so very them and full of lovely details, and nods to the series and I completely and utterly adore it.

And I KNOW a lot of other dS folk will too.

That this is your first dS story stuns me.


akuni November 12 2009, 03:34:52 UTC
I've been working up the courage to post there all week. *laughs at self* I guess I've run out of excuses to put it off, huh? I'll post the link first thing tomorrow. :)

Your comment has me blushing and grinning madly! I'm delighted you enjoyed this so much. The nods were partially for annieroo2, who loves all the same silly cliche things that I do, but were largely self-indulgent. ^_^ This was so much fun to write! I feel pretty good about how it turned out, and I've got a list of things to improve on when the next bunny bites.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means a great deal to me. :)


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