RIP Geocities

Oct 26, 2009 14:15

Thank you to the devoted fans, whose websites have brought me much entertainment (and eaten many hours that should've been devoted to university homework!) over the years.  I thank you for compiling the image galleries of my favourite actors, shows, and movies; for archiving my favourite fanfics; for collecting sound files, some of which still live on my computer today; for sharing con reports and transcribing interviews; and for being brave and fun enough to wade out there and put up your website when the Internet wasn't this enormous, easy, ubiquitous thing that we often take for granted today.

RIP Geocities. ♥  You were sometimes really, really ugly, but you got the job done. :)  Check xkcd today for a nostalgic visual trip.

I hope the Geocities Rescue Project saved a lot of great stuff.

chatter, geek stuff

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