Writing news, pressies, and general rambling

Nov 04, 2008 15:45

Picking up a big project after a hiatus is... extremely difficult.  I've done a great deal of writing since the last time I worked on my ByaUlqui story, but that was different writing.  That was writing short pieces, birthday and exchange fics, which require a different mindset.

I opened my doc and saw all the detailed notes I'd left myself where I'd left off, and for just an instant I wanted to curl up and hide.  So many plot threads to keep straight, so many details I can't forget to include!  Gah!  There was a brief moment of incredulity, with just a hint of panic - how on earth did I manage to write stories like this?  I've intimidated myself, lol.

Still, it's good to be back in "project mode".  I know it's kind of dorky, but I like having a major project on the go, it makes me feel productive. :)  This time, I'm going to continue to work on not stressing myself to the max with it.  I'll get done what I get done, when I get it done.  I've gotten pretty good at giving myself permission to do other things, so I'm going to continue to knit, watch my shows, read manga, and write other stories at the same time.

So I'm back in business on the ByaUlqui, and on the side I have other things to work on when I need a break: the next Amaranthine story, SSTL (#3 is ready to post this week, whee!), occasional exercises for my writing group, the multifandom request prompts, and a couple original projects that I'm not quite ready to talk about yet but am very excited over. ^_^

In other news, the past few weeks have seen many goodies arriving in my snail mail.

taintedkibou sent me a gorgeous Renji fanart print that she picked up at a con, a souvenir from her trip to NY, and the Renji half of the 6th Div tea cup set (she says she's keeping his captain so we can have tea together across the miles. D'aww! ♥).  To show off my goodies, I took a picture of part of the windowsill above my desk! (I will take more pics of my office once I get more stuff up on the walls, rar!)

(L-R: Lady Liberty; Renji cup from Cheza; Iruka figurine that Shelagh's kids gave me; and the DB9 hubby gave me, aka 'sex on wheels')

Renjiiiiiiiii! *_*  Oh baby!

As if that wasn't enough awesomeness, mefie_toi also went to a con - but this was a sci-fi geek con, and she surprised me with my first ever celeb autograph.

Q rocks, and so does mefie_toi. 'Nuff said! :D

Aaaaaaaaaand as if that wasn't enough, liralen did two stunning paintings to help me decorate my new house.  One is a black and white bamboo, and the other is a hummingbird among cherry blossoms done in colour (links go to dA; I didn't want to post thumbnails without permission!).  I'm checking my mail obsessively, I can't wait til they arrive! ^_^

You guys have spoiled me so much.  You all are amazing. :) Thank you.

chatter, squee, writing

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