Random XI update of joy

May 30, 2007 01:55

So like, XI update cause something super awesome just happened.

Now, that being said must explain why this is so awesome. You see, I get thf af2 gloves, been trying to get those for 3 years, and do I make a eljay update? Nah! A month later I grab myself an assassin's cape from dynamis valkrum, putting me 6/6 for the thf af2. Do I update about that? Nahhh, it's not as important as this (though I did squeal something fierce on ventrillo). Nabbed a rain hat off Noble Mold after months of camping but that didn't deserve one either.

So did I just get some super leet gear as to why I'd post? Nope I didn't (marduk lvl 35 body still eludes me!). Did I just own Absolute Virtue with my brohahas in Soulfire? Nahhh, we still need to hit up JoL more as it stands! By chance did our salvage crew just destroyed LBC.... no that'll be at a later date in time.

Actually, only reason I'm posting is I just got one of the most awesome titles in the game off one of the shittiest NMs in existence. It's an NM that pops every 21-24 hours if and only if it's 3 places holders are not killed, aggroed, or disturbed at all (and then people say it'll take 72 hours to reset!) and the past times I've sat my ass at the camp hoping to get tod some dumb fucks would come by and kill the nms or a low level whm with no idea about the nm would attack the PH 10 min before it was gonna pop (ya that happened, so not happy). So anyways, at about 22 hours and 30 min since dear ole' Steve and I planted our characters at the camp to try and find ToD (we'd spent the past 2 days camping off and on) I was doodling a picture of Bananaphone with panties on her head and I hear my character being attacked. I look at my screen, flip out and start tellin' my ls if they want the title to come on down! About 30 minutes and 9 bodies later everyone was there and the bitch went down. Taisaijin was toast and we were all rewarded with sexy new titles!

*marks getting this title off my list*

:D Ya, that really made my year lol. <-- retard, but a happy one
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