Mar 21, 2011 15:07
and I've been reading posts and stuff. I just haven't been making any of my own really. Just lurkin n' lurkin. xP
I'm finally starting to get better, I've just got some asthma sensitivity going on right now. I just got a refill on one of my asthma medicines that should really help though. I'm hoping in a few days I won't be using my inhaler multiple times a day anymore. *sighs wistfully* That will be really nice.
I've started a tumblr. for my jewelry making at
I don't have much up yet, but I've been working on putting together some more stuff. I need to try and take some pictures of the more recent stuff I've gotten done. The weather kind of sucks right now for that though. We'll see what I can manage inside without a light-box. I may make one for it even, who knows.
on a side note, it gets kind of tiresome to have a headache most of the time. :/