
May 24, 2005 19:00

Ugh. I haven't updated in like... a week. xD; How funny. Nothing great has really been going on. I've just been busy because of all of the project. It's all good, though. I'm pretty much done with everything and such. Just can't wait till summer. x_x;

Lately, I think I've been getting on everyone's nerves. I've been trying so hard to not be so annoying. But I guess I haven't been trying hard enough. I feel as if everyone gives me evil looks when I'm not looking... because they're glaring at me for being so annoying. I bet I was annoying like this before, too. Just didn't realize it. How pathetic... x_x;

-Sigh- Maybe two more projects left for this year. Not even really projects though. One's a report and one's an I-Search Paper. C'est simple! I'm doing the report now. And yeah. I guess there're no new updates for The Four Nations thing. I guess everyone's too busy. I hope it'll continue into next year. =/

I guess I'm about finished. I can't wait till this weekend to start downloading more songs from my desktop comp instead of this laptop. =P

Oh, did I mention that I'm the new Anime Trivia Champion? It's great. Really, it is. >_> I beat the undefeated guy. o_o He had like... the quickest reflexes ever. xD I only one because there were Naruto questions and he didn't like Naruto. >_> C'est horrible. Oh well. I'm done now.
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