May 14, 2008 17:33
I am soooooooo going to kill the Gatekeeper. I really really am. Prinny Squad, come on.
... Puuurriiiiiiiiiinieeeeeeee Squad, come ooooooooon.
... GET YOUR ASSES HERE WITH THE DAMNED THING RIGHT NOW!!! [sounds of a trio of peg legs hurrying along the ground]
That's better, gimme that thing. It's on, right? Okay.
Hello everyone~ I'm just your average passerbyer who had the unfortunate mishap of having plopped right into this world when all I really wanted was to go to the Sea of Gehenna. Would anyone mind so terribly to help a poor, down in the dumps girl out? I promise to maybe pay you back~ If I remember, of course! Me and my group of prinnies and this god awfully cute cat need somewhere to head to in order to find a way back home~ Thanks again~!
[End Voice Recording]