Oct 02, 2007 12:21
So. I'm still alive. Trying to get internet, but that's actually a funny/depressing story. I was supposed to have time enough yesterday to go by and pay for it, then have time today from 3:30-5:30 for Time Warner to install it. However, there's that universal law that, if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.
Yesterday, I was busy doing work or in class from 7:40-ish until 5:15, at which time I took a break for um...lunch. I also don't have the phone number any more (it's no longer in my phone history) so I can't call them. Today, it gets even better. I have ONE FREAKING CLASS TODAY. (Yeah, I'm already out of class for the entire day - be jealous! Bwahahahahaaaaa....or not.) However. There's a meeting at 4:15 in the science building I want/need to go to, a Japanese Club meeting I should attend at 5, and then I'm meeting my mom for dinner before going to a lecture at 7:30. WHEN THE HECK DID MY LIFE DECIDE TO GET SO BUSY?!?!?
In other news, I'm still alive. I survived through Organic lab yesterday with an open cut on my left hand as well as surviving the terrifying Genetics test over (1/4 of the people made F's...or "lower") today. Now I just get to play "keep up," "catch up" and "make up" all at once! Who says multitasking is impossible? It dang well better not be!