[ES21] How to teach a linebacker about love

Apr 04, 2012 21:17

Title: How to teach a linebacker about love

Autor: Miyuki

Pair: Shin/Sena

Word count: 4200~

Summary: Shin found out Sena's little secret but he's too oblivious to understand what it means. The only thing he needs is a little nudge from his friends in the right direction so he could understand that american football isn't the only important thing in life.

Note: The idea came to me while I was reading for the hundredth time the manga. In chapter 20 Sena was sorting out the photos Mamori took during the first match with Oujou White Knights when he found the ones with Shin in them. He seemed really interested in that moment. So why couldn't Sena take one as a memento of his “hero”? This fic takes place during chapter 278~304.

How to teach a linebacker about love

by Miyuki

“Why would someone keep my photo in their wallet?”

Takami was drinking from a bottle of water when Shin asked out of the blue his question. He almost choked from the surprise. Sakuraba instead dropped the weights he was using to the floor, missing his foot by mere inches. They both looked at Shin with astonished eyes.

“W-What?” Takami asked coughing.

“Why would someone...”

“Yes yes...I understood you right the first time....” the quarterback interrupted him raising one hand to silence him.

“Then why did you ask me to repeat myself?” Shin frowned. His was a very simple question. He didn't understand why his teammates were so surprised.

“I was just....” Takami sighed, fixing the glasses on his nose and trying to compose himself “It doesn't matter. So, to answer your question....I presume this person likes you.”

“Likes me?”


“As a player?”

“Well....it's possible. But they could really like you aside from football...I mean like a person...”

“I don't see the difference.”

The blank expression on Shin's face made Takami want to open his teammate head and see if his brain was really made of tiny football neurons. Really, how much socially retarded could Shin be to not know the difference? His first and only thought was american football and everything else revolved around it in a way or another but there had to be a limit. He looked at Sakuraba in search of help.

“Shin...what Takami is trying to say is that this person could like you, ehm, romantically. They could like your physique, your character, they could want to go out with you...something like this.” Sakuraba said trying not to blush. It was a little embarrassing explaining this sort of thing to the line backer.

“I see.” Shin nodded his thanks and resumed his training as if the question was nothing outside the ordinary.

Takami and Sakuraba exchanged a look. The catcher was the first to speak out.

“Come on Shin! Now you've to tell us who are you talking about!”

Shin couldn't keep all the juicy details to himself after asking such a question. Sakuraba wanted to know everything...Takami too, even if he would never admit it.

It wasn't everyday that you could see the stoic line backer as someone's love interest.

“Yeah...maybe we can help you to understand the situation better.” Takami said taking a more logical approach. Logic always worked with Shin.

Shin stared at them a few moment before speaking.

“Kobayakawa Sena”

“What?! Eyeshield 21? Really?” Sakuraba exclaimed. Both teammates were more surprised that the boy had the courage to find Shin's photo and keep it hidden from Hiruma - who always knew everything by the way - than the fact that he felt something more than rivalry for Shin. They always knew these two had a thing for each other, even if Shin was too dense to know it.

“How did you find out?” Takami asked in search of new informations.

“After yesterday training we were the last one to change. He was in a hurry to go home because he had some commissions to do for his mother so, when he opened his locker, he dropped his bag, scattering its contents on the floor. I helped him to pick his things up and there I saw my photo poking out of his wallet.”

“How did he react?”

“He snatched it back and run outside really fast.”

He didn't say how Sena blushed when he saw that Shin found out his secret, neither how Sena mumbled his apology with eyes on the floor trying to hide the photo. Shin didn't know why but he thought the boy's behavior was really cute.

Sakuraba hold barely a smile. This was the first time Shin talked such a long sentence.

“Interesting” Takami said with a twinkle in his eyes “So, what do you think of Kobayakawa-kun?”

“I think he is a exceptional football player. He's small but his body is well-proportioned and his muscles are well trained. His speed is unique and he is the perfect rival...”

“Ok, stop...this is not what I wanted to know...” Takami interrupted him. Talking about one track mind...

“Shin...do you like Sena-kun?” Sakuraba asked. He was starting to enjoy this situation.

“Of course.” Shin replied with a curt nod.

“Ok...I rephrase...if Sena-kun wasn't a football player or couldn't play it anymore, would you still like him?”

Shin frowned. He didn't like the idea that in the future he couldn't play against Eyeshield 21 in a match anymore. It was wrong in so many way he didn't understand why...maybe because he couldn't see the boy if he wasn't playing.

He replied before really thinking about it, more serious than before.

“Of course”

“Good!” Sakuraba smiled “You still have hope. Now we can teach you a few things and help you to catch a little running back for your own.”

Shin started to say he already catched a lot of running backs during his matches and he didn't need a personal one to train him but he kept his thoughts for himself. This time he was sure Sakuraba didn't mean it literally.


The next day Sena was a little skittish. They trained hard like usual but the running back spoke with him only if necessary. Everytime their eyes crossed path, Sena withdraw his gaze blushing faintly.

Takami and Sakuraba told him this behavior was really probable. Sena had a very complex character: he was very brave and determined on the field but outside he was a little on the shy side. If Shin really found out his secret crush - his teammates called it so - on him, he would be very embarrassed and try to ignore him so he waited patiently for the training to end. Takami said it was the perfect time to act.

The quarterback predicted perfectly Sena's next move. The boy made an excuse to stay behind and train a little longer so that Shin could change and leave the locker-room before he returned. He didn't know that Shin would be waiting for him to the school's gate.

When he saw the boy coming, Shin made his presence noted, startling the poor runningback.


“S-Shin-san! What are you doing here??”

“I was waiting for you”


“I wanted to ask you if I could run you back home” Actually Takami said him to ask Sena if he could walk him home but why walk if you could run?

Sena seemed surprised and maybe a little perplex. “Run? You want to keep training?”

Shin frowned slightly. Takami said this 'walk home' thing wasn't training, that he should talk to Sena while together. About what he didn't really know. “Sort of. We'll keep a light pace.”

“I'm not sure...you live in the other direction from my house”

“It's no problem to me. I want to do it”

Shin thought he said something right because Sena stopped protesting and a faint blush colored his cheeks. He felt satisfied when they started to run together.


This routine continued the following days. Takami was happy his plan seemed to work, even if he really meant walk and not run, but Sakuraba told him to let Shin have his way. The linebacker would not talk more even walking, he simply wasn't a talkative person. They had to think something different for him.

Actually Shin didn't need to talk to know important things. He was really observant - even if he couldn't alway put the informations in the right contest - so, keeping his attention upon Sena during their run home, he started to notice a lot of things.

Watching the boy interact with his teammates he knew he was considered a good friend and a really reliable person. He always helped their manager with her tasks, even if he was busy with training, but he also helped other people, people he didn't even know like an old woman with her shopping bags, a child whose balloon tangled in a tree's branch and so on. He was almost too good to be real.

Today wasn't different. They were jogging toward Sena's home when the clouds that threatened them all day with a good downpour let the rain fall down. They were soaked in minutes but they tried to continue anyway. However, after a few miles, Shin thought it was better for Sena if they sought shelter near one of the stores.

It wasn't cold enough to make rain into snow but the rain was cold enough to make Sena start shaking. His physical mass was too small to keep him warm longer without appropriate clothes and he couldn't let Sena fell ill before Christmas Ball.

They was waiting quietly for the rain to stop when Sena started to look around like he was searching for something.

“What are you doing?” Shin asked.

“I heard a noise.”

“I don't hear anything.”

“It was really faint but I'm sure.....there! Did you hear it?” Sena run to the opposite side of the street under the rain without waiting for his reply and vanished in a small alley. Shin followed him and saw the boy kneel behind a trash bin, emerging right after with a small dog in his arms.

It was a puppy with a white and brown fur. It was wet and was shaking from the cold like the boy who hold it.

“Someone put him inside that box and hid him behind a bin.” Sena looked a little shocked, like he couldn't understand how someone could do something so cruel “I can't leave him here, in this weather he'll freeze to death soon.”

“He's too small to survive this cold.” Shin confirmed “What will you do?”

“Well, I think I'll bring him home and then I'll ask around if someone could adopt him...or maybe I could keep him...I don't know...my parents like dogs just fine but we never had one...”

“First things first you have to keep him warm. Come.” Shin walked back where they sought shelter with Sena and opened his bag to pull out a clean and dry sweater. He always kept one in reserve for good reasons. He lifted the puppy from Sena's arms and wrapped the sweater around him to keep him warm before giving him back.

“Shin-san...what...you shouldn't have...” Sena stuttered “I'll wash it tonight and I'll give it back to you tomorrow!”

“Keep it. I have others at home.”

“But...it's not right...”

“Keep it, I mean it. I really don't need it back.”

Sena really wanted to protest but Shin didn't give him the time. The linebacker lifted his bag and slung it over his shoulder, ready to start running again.

“Are we going?” Sena asked reaching for his bag.

“No. I think it's better if we stop for today. You stay here until this rain stopped a little so you two don't keep getting cold. I'll go home from here.”

“Oh. Ok.”

“Be sure to take a warm shower when you're home.”

“S-Sure...thank you for...uhm...the sweater. See you tomorrow.” Sena waved him goodbye, his face a little red from the cold, or so Shin thought while running away under the rain. Maybe he should have told Sena to raise slowly the temperature of the water before stepping in the shower. A sudden change of temperature could be harmful for the body.


The next day Shin spent all the free time they had during training listening to Sena talk about the dog. The linebacker found it interesting how much Sena could talk when he was happy and not intimidated by his presence.

Contrary to what people could think about him, he wasn't annoyed by it. He found it almost relaxing because Sena had a really nice voice and all Shin had to do was listening.

Sena was thinking to keep the puppy and was trying to find a name that fit him. He even asked Shin for his opinion but he had no idea how to name an animal. Anyway he was happy that Sena asked him.

That night Shin received an alarming call from Hiruma who told him to go to Sena's house next morning to retrieve him, otherwise the boy would be late for practice. He never asked how Hiruma knew it. Even Shin knew to never question Devil Bat's quarterback.

So Sunday morning he knocked to Sena's door and waited for someone to answer. He had to try to knock again before he heard someone running down the stairs cursing the alarm's clock.

“I'm coming!” Sena shouted a few moment before opening the door “Who is....Shin-san!”

“Good morning. Hiruma told me to come and get you ready for training.”

“Sorry! I overslept. Yesterday night Spot was a little ill and I didn't sleep well so this morning I was so tired I didn't heard the alarm and my parents are away for the week-end so they didn't wake me up. I'm so sorry you had to come all this way.”

“Resting is very important for the body, especially after training hard all day.” Shin frowned a little. It was easy to injure itself when you're body wasn't at full capacity. He had to keep closer attention to the boy that day.

“Give me ten minutes to change and I'll be ready to go.”

Now that Sena told him, he dropped his gaze on what the running back had on. He was more than a little surprised to see him wearing his sweater. It was so large on Sena that it reached his knees. He was like a boy who played with his father's clothes...and Shin thought he really liked seeing Sena in his clothes, especially if he slept in them. A strange thought it was, maybe he should ask about it to Takami.

The little running back didn't understand right away why Shin seemed so transfixed with him, then he dropped his gaze too and remembered what he was wearing. His face burned in embarrassment and started stuttering an explanation.

“Uhm...you see...you told me I could keep it so I washed it and...well...it seemed really comfy...and warm....it was really cold last night...”

Shin didn't say anything, preferring to continue his trip down Sena lithe body with his eyes. He stopped at his feet. They were covered in a pair of plushy slippers with bunny ears.

Cute, Shin thought.

“It's not what you think!” Sena shouted even more embarrassed, trying to switch Shin's attention back to his face with his moving hands, even if he didn't know what was worse “I didn't buy them! They are a gift from my aunt!”

This time Sena, when he didn't receive an answer from Shin, closed the door hard and fast before running upstairs to change his clothes (or to drown himself in the sink), leaving the linebacker outside to wait.


“Do you find Kobayakawa huggable?”

“Fuck...” Takami tripped on the treadmill risking to be carried away “Stop asking this kind of questions out of the blue! Warn a person before, please!”

Sakuraba chuckled. This time he was safe from any accident. He stopped what he was doing the moment he saw Shin enter the gym because he knew he was there to inform them of his progress with the little running back so anything could happen. He had to admit that this question surprised him.

“Ignore him...” Sakuraba said seeing Shin frown “Anyway, to answer your question...yes, he's very likable so I won't mind a hug from him. Why are you asking this?”

“Because yesterday I had the strange impulse to hug him when I saw him wearing my clothes.”

“What the hell....Why was he wearing your clothes??” Sakuraba asked, his mind working on every possible idea, a few really x-rated.

“He told me he liked to sleep in them because they're comfy” Shin replied a little confused by Sakuraba reaction.

“Oh. My. God.” Sakuraba was so surprised he didn't know what to say. He couldn't believe Shin reached that step so fast...they never really dated!

“Please kill me now...” Takami murmured pinching his nose “Start from the beginning Shin”

Shin nodded. “Yesterday I went to Kobayakawa's home to retrieve him on Hiruma's order. When Kobayakawa opened the door he was wearing the sweater I gave him.”

Sakuraba started to breath again. Ok, this way wasn't so bad.

“And then you wanted to hug him, right?” Takami asked, the situation starting to make sense.


“Just hug him?”

Shin frowned. “I don't understand what you mean”

“What did you think when you saw him?” Takami sighed. Maybe he chose the wrong career, he should become a psychologist, not a doctor.

“I thought he was really cute and I liked him wearing my clothes.”

Bingo, Takami thought. Now there was the problem to make him understand what this meant.

“Aww, I never knew you're such a romantic Shin” Sakuraba smiled.

Takami coughed. “What he's trying to say is that you have feeling for Kobayakawa-kun. You like him wearing your clothes because anyone who saw him would know he is yours. You're warning them off and staking your claim...” in a very neanderthal way “...because you don't want someone else to steal him from you.”

Shin thought hard about what Takami was saying before nodding. He really didn't like the idea of Sena smiling to any other people the way he always smiled to him. He could tackle them to death if they tried to become too close to the running back.

“So maybe you don't just want to hug him but kiss him too.” Takami tried to keep this conversation as professional as he could. It was too ridiculous explaining this kind of things to someone Shin's age. He hoped that Shin knew what a kiss was, he couldn't take it for granted.

“Yes. I think you're right.”

Thank you God, Takami thought.

“So, now that you know what you feel for Sena-kun you could try to ask him out for a date...a real date...running home with him doesn't count.” Sakuraba told him smiling.

“Maybe you should go shopping with him and help him to pick up a few magazine that could help him to understand better his situation.” Takami proposed with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

Shin didn't understand why Sakuraba blushed and tried to protest so vehemently.


Shin found the books Sakuraba bought him - something called shonen-ai manga - really constructive. He now knew what to do but he also knew he had to wait after Christmas Ball. He didn't want to distract Sena from his training or make him loose his concentration before the match. So he continued to train him, enjoying silently his company and thinking about what he would say to the boy.

Takami and Sakuraba gave him a few suggestions but Shin thought it was better if he worked on it alone this time.

So here he was, watching Devil Bats vs Teikoku Alexanders with his teammates. It was a magnificent match. His gaze followed Sena all the time. His hands shacked with the desire to be on that field with him, to be his rival again.

This time Sena gave all he had to defeat Yamato, he played even better than their last game.

They met thanks to american football and Shin started to like Sena as a player first - he would always respect him as a running back - but now he knew him better he liked Sena a lot more and for different reasons. This match confirmed it.

He was satisfied when Devil Bats won. It was their victory too since they helped Devil Bats to train so hard for this day.

Now he could talk to Sena without worring so he waited outside the stadium for the team to exit. All spectators already left when he finally saw the boy exit to door.

Sena smiled when he saw Shin and he run toward him, forgetting his teammates for a moment.

“Shin-san! What are you doing here?”

“I was waiting for you.” Shin said “Congratulation. You played really good today.”

“Thank you.” Sena blushed a little for the compliment “It was all thanks to you and your training if I could defeat Yamato-san.”

“I don't think so. I only helped you to improve your stamina and strengthen your legs muscle. You're a natural runner.”

“Well....uhm...thanks anyway...”

“Do you have a moment? I need to talk you.”

“Sure” Sena replied before looking to his teammates which were all looking curiously to them, minus Hiruma who was smiling a little more devilish than usual.

“Ke, start moving you fucking idiots! There's a party waiting for us!” Hiruma said starting to fire his rifle to scare away the others “Try to not make us wait too long, you fucking chibi!”

So they watched them walk away. Shin was sure he heard Musashi say to Hiruma something about how happy he should be for him to be so understanding today.

When they were alone Sena turned his gaze toward him.

“So..uhm...what did you want to talk about?”

“There was something I wanted to ask you. I think I already know the answer but I want to hear you say it.” Shin was serous and Sena wasn't sure if he would like what the linebacker wanted to know “Why do you keep my photo in your wallet?”

Sena blushed deep red remembering the little accident where Shin found out his secret. After weeks in his company he almost forgotten about it. He really wanted to run away but he was sure if he tried Shin would tackle him to the ground.

“Well...you see...I really admire you so I keep it to remember me to improve myself constantly” Sena didn't lie but neither he said the truth.

“I don't think you feel only admiration for me, am I wrong?”

“I don't know what you're talking about...” Sena avoided his gaze and took a step back. Shin caught his wrist with a hand to prevent him from running away. His grip wasn't hard so he didn't hurt him.

“I think you like me and I wanted you to know I like you too.”

“W-What!?” Sena shrieked surprised looking to Shin with an even redder face “Y-You...like me?!”

“Yes.” Shin nodded “So, am I wrong?”

Sena didn't know what to say. He opened and closed his mouth a few time without emitting a sound before dropping his gaze and murmuring a faint “no”.

“Good” Shin said with a satisfied note in his voice before he stroked Sena's cheek with his free hand to make the boy look at him. Sena was surprised by that gentle touch and blushed even harder under Shin almost tender gaze.

For his parts Shin found Sena behavior really fascinating. He was almost two different people: the player on the field, so sure of himself and determined, and the boy outside of it, almost scared of everything and too cure for his own good. Shin liked them both.

Without hesitation he dropped slowly his head, seeing Sena's eyes go huge, and touched his lips in a light kiss. Sena froze for an instant, his mind trying to comprehend what was happening. He was sure he was dreaming. He hit his head too hard during the game or he fainted for the fatigue after it...anyway he had to be dreaming. Oh, but he liked this dream very much!

Sena closed his eyes when Shin's lips pressed a little harder against his and he felt his tongue caress them. He opened up and let the linebacker's tongue enter his mouth to kiss him deeper.

Sena lifted himself on his toes to get a better angle for the kiss and circled Shin's neck with an arm while Shin pressed him against his body with a hand on his lower back.

This was his first kiss and it was perfect even if it ended a little too soon for his taste.

Shin looked at him with an almost invisible smile and Sena blushed remembering they could be seen by anyone here in the open. Lucky they was hidden behind a pillar.

“So, do you want to go on a date with me?” Shin asked still keeping the running back against his chest.

“Y-Yes! I'd like very much!” Sena replied quickly smiling a little.

“Good. But first it's better if I'll take you to your friends or Hiruma will be angry.”

Sena nodded so they started to walk in the same direction of Devil Bats team, talking softly between them. Takami would be happy to know that this time Shin took seriously that walk thing he talked about before.

es21, fic

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