Note: Yeah, I know, I'm an amateur at writing. Fuck, my grammar is never right, and I'm terrible at spelling (thank god for spell check). Anyways, I was in the mood for writing something while listening to a new song I got a few whiles back.
Use your imagination folks. I know every story needs a end, but this one is up to you.
My throat felt scratchy. The sky looked heartbroken under the cold autumn air, as it slowly dyed into dark blues. I pulled my hand from my warm pockets, and rubbed my nose, feeling annoyed every time I sniffed away. The brick wall against my back did not feel surprisingly cold; shivering as a alcohol mixed with coffee scent breeze came by.
"He likes coffee." I said to no one in particular. Well, no sober one perhaps. In these lighted city streets, most people were pathetically drunk at this time. I drew in a sigh. Everyone likes coffee, why should he be any different? I glanced at a couple walking past me, hand in hand. She smiled, pulled him closer, and whispered in his ear. Sharing a few giggles, and sweet kiss a little later after that, I gave a sheepish smile, fixed my red scarf and got back to my feet.
Sharing this lovely sunset would be lovely wouldn't it?
"Perhaps" I whispered, breathing out a stream of hot air. Without much thought, I aimlessly started to walk at a random direction. At first it was at a swift pace, fast and steady. Suddenly remembering that I had no particular place to go, my strides slowed a little after some time. Listening to the cars, the constant chatter, and walking with a crowd of people felt familiar, yet so foreign.
At a blinking stoplight, my eyes subconsciously looked for a dark brown patch amongst the heads of people. It felt like I was going down a list, crossing out each section that did not have the same hair style, height, clothes.
A strong force from behind brought be back to my senses. I uttered a few reassuring words to the man behind me with a apologetic smile, and cracked one myself. Was it me, or does the cold air make it a bit harder to smile? Hmm, must be the cold air; my face feels so stiff tonight.
Continuing my way across the street, I noticed that I've reached a pathway to the bridge. It took me a few more minutes to reach the end of the park path and to the railings. I looked out at the waterside of the city, glistening like decorative lights hung around the almost barren trees surrounding the park. Few people were at the park at this time, most couples holding onto warm cups, and rebellious teenagers pretending to be big amongst their friends.
Where did the years go?
"I wish I've brought a camera." I said, looking up at the sky while leaning back with my hands on the railing. A strong prang of pain shot through my chest. I gave a small bitter smile, and sighed. The pain was a nostalgic, pathetic, and twisted way of satisfaction. It made me feel something, both whole and empty, but the crave for something was still there.
I heard a whisper of my name. At first, I thought nothing of it. The name I have is quite popular, and it was rare for it to refer to me. It took me a few seconds for it to sink it. This voice, it's familiar. I turned around, and there he was.
His hands in his black long coat, and a green scarf with a small coffee stain. His eyes were surprised, and I bet I mirrored his expression. He was only a few feet away from me; the closest in a long time. He looked away from me with a frown. Another knife stabbed through my chest. A million thoughts should've been raving through my head by then, but there was nothing. My mind was blank, for the very first time.
He closed his eyes as he drew in a deep breath. Without even so much as a glance, he walked past me. Like all cliché moments, time almost stopped. There it is again. The damn cold has effected my senses, and thought. Why can't I do anything? What's there to be afraid of? Come on, do something…
I grabbed onto a small part of his sleeve. He stopped, but his back was all I could see. My heart felt ice cold, yet it still felt like the beats of the energizer bunny's drum. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I tried again, and again. Whatever words I formed refused to come out. He clicked his tongue against his teeth a few times, and about to continue on his way. No, not yet. Please, don't go just yet.
"Please…. Wait."