Quiz nite: my turn

Apr 12, 2005 22:55

well this is my version of it...

so we (me, phil,george,amy and alex meeting amanda and hannah there) arive at the chuch place after much pissin about: me an phil runnin off to try our stealth skilz.... which suck btw, we didnt wanna crawl and stuff, too slow, and grass makes stuff green... yeah... we caught uo with george and amy and walked up an met alex at M&s or somewhere like that...
Ok so were at the churh we go inside &(i love ampersands) sit down at our table. George picks up the fatefull glass and brings it towards her... she put it down a leeeeetle too hard. It shaters into tiny pieces. We change our name to absolute carp having asked hannah (who is one of the admin btw) if we can. the quiz starts. we do the first round. the answer sheets are taken in. *anouncement* "one of the teams has forgoten to put their name on their sheet" *phil* "what dumasses" *general grunts of agreement* *announcement* "they have instead put absoulute carp" We all bust out laghing and are slightly embarassed. the the rounds go on and we loose! yay.
Funny stuf that happened: Phil ate flowers, phil smashed plastic cops on his head, amy cut phils arm to shreds with plastic, i went into the toilets following phil then at the urinal realised i didnt need to pee i said so so me and phil decided it was for moral support, i tried to st phils arm on fire lots, george smashed a glass, other glasses were almost smashed,.... and other stuff.
Yeah after the thing was over gorge ran off and i didnt get to say bai =( *sniffs* and amy and alex started getting it on. YOU TWO SHOLD GO OUT YOU BLATENTLY BOTH LIKE EACH OTHER!!!. *coughs* yeah... okay Jj out.
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