I seem to be keeping very strange hours lately. Go to bed at (what I think is) a normal time, wake up at 6-7am, 8 if I'm lucky. And I'm not even tired! Odd. I guess the only negative side to it is me being awake for so long with very little to do; ah well. Went to the shopping center yesterday to drop off some applications and my mom made me go shopping (haha god forbid) so I could get something to wear it my cousin's wedding this Thanks Giving. That will be interesting. My family is coming up for that weeken, even though it's not for another 3-4 weeks. At least she's bring up my sewing machine! Got to go check out the fabric store here and sadly they look as if they have no fus at all, save a few really offensive looking bolts. I drew up a pattern for a ferret fursuit.. but I can't really say I'm 100% saticefied with it. But I've been in a real ferret mood lately so I can't think of anything else to draw. Not that I don't have time. I just found out that the closest con. is Further Confusion next january, at the Double Tree Hotel in San Jose CA, right next to the Ren. Faire! If only I still lived in Cali or had planned to visit then. But even if I could go I wouldn't know who to bring since I doubt any of my friends (Save Becky maybe) would actually be willing to go to a fur convention. Ah well, I'll keep looking. Speaking of ferrets, I really want to get one. And lucky for me I don't live in CA anymore so they're legal! But I doubt it will ever happen because I'd have to clear it with Chris' dad first and I don't think he'd be willing. But they're so cute!! Maybe that's why I designed the furstui as a ferret. Ah, I still need to get a new layout for this journal. How in hell do you overdide it with your own code??? I've viewed the saurce of other peoples' journals and communities' as well and I can't get anything to work. How do they do it?? =o.0= Maybe if someone reads this 'cry for help' they'll show me *sets out flares*It'll be one less thing to try and do. Hmm.. don't really know what else to write. Anyway I'm sure I already said way more than most would care to read so I'm going to get off the computer now and stumble around the house searching for something to do.
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