The little ironies...

Dec 17, 2006 02:06

Sex is a wonderful equalizer. Especially when you meet someone better at it then you and spend several blissful hours not thinking at *all*

I love my job at the lil shop, great boss, great coworkers, and I get to be a supervisor *^_^*

Bren's still struggling with the kidney stones of satanic origin, these things are friggin huuuuuuuge and he's passing them with a few borrowed vicodins and a lot of more natural pain relief.

Upgraded my cell, about time I got a world phone if I'm gonna go back to Korea or Japan, it makes life a lil easier to be able to just take my damn phone with me everywhere rather then stress about switching out.

Aunt's diabetes is getting worse, my parents figure her time is approaching. Which in a small way will be a relief, 'cause when Aunt dies no more heavy traditionalist values to annoy the hell out of me. Arranged marriage indeed! Just because I haven't popped out a fucking grandkid, yeesh.

Money's slowly improving and stabilizing, parties are coming up to attend and friends are awaiting my call :D

But yeah, trying to get in contact with old friends lately, at least the ones I remember being able to stand for long periods of time without grinding my teeth in annoyance or sheer boredom. And yes, you guys have a pretty good idea who the fuck you are ;)

But heading off to another fun filled six day long schedule filled with... almost no working.
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