um yeah

Jan 17, 2006 01:52

Wow, haven't posted in ages, I usually do the myspace thing nowadays, which is funny to me because waaaay more people contact me there then on here!

Enjoying the randomness of my life, Kim and I are doing really well, we're happy in our cheerful "who really gives a fuck?" kind of way. New job is going great, I scored two perfect call qa's in one day and everyone there went crazy and gave me a starbucks giftcard and candy which pleased me. It's nice to get physical appreciation for good work, I'm just slightly bitter that I missed out on the extra $200 I could have gotten because I was still just in training, but I can deal with it easily enough because I can pull it off again once I'm on the floor officially next week.

Cut my hair off, I rather like it, still long enough to pull yet short enough to be far more manageable to me. Cats are healthy and hale, cheerfully tearing up my apartment so when I get home I have to clean before I can veg out in front of video games.

Things with Dave are going well, it's kind of strange to me sometimes. I'm so tied up in the need for shit to be labeled yet I'm content with just knowing Dave wants me to be there. He wants to take me to the beach one of these weekends so we can spend hours lounging in front of a fireplace, besides everyone out there knows damn well you don't go to the beach during the winter to run around outside and sightsee.

But I'm happy, content, serene, peaceful, joyful, and generally glad to be existing. I can't remember the last time I woke up with the feeling of everything will be ok. I'm not too stressed lately, and to my complete joy Dave likes to have me just come over and cuddle for long periods of time so I get to curl up with him a lot more.

I need to call Nate up and arrange a night for us to hang out, I miss drinking with him and it'll be nice to see him again!!! *hint hint* My ex from HS Robert wants to hang out and catch up too, which amuses me because he looks so different now I have difficulty remembering who he is while we're talking. He grew a moustache which makes me giggle, but he's a cool guy, taking care of his handicapped little sister after their mom died while working a full time security job when he went to college to be a software designer or something like that, I give him credit for being a far more caring person then other people out there.

It's just kind of strange to be sitting up at two in the morning while being happy. I'm usually so bitter and pessimistic it's hard for me to realize the good things out there. But I'm in love, I'm cared for and cherished, Kim and I are looking at different apartments because we want to go back to school really badly and have decided to stick together so money is easier. Overall things are going so well I can ignore the tiny fear of waiting for the shit to hit the fan.

But I guess at this point this is mostly a note to the people who read this, I'm doing well, I'm happy, and I'm looking forward to making time to hang out with a lot of you! So expect phone calls soon!
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