Jul 13, 2006 14:05
So, well I usually don't do this... because I don't get involved.. but wtf....
Has anyone been following what is going on in Israel right now? A total of three soldiers have been kidnapped by two seperate groups (or at least they are claim responsability and the most powerful army in the middle east is on the move... Hello the Israelis are supplied by the US government... they have more advanced and better military then any of the surrounding countries and they feel an appropriate response to 3 soldiers kidnapped is to launch a full strike against Gaza Strip and Lebanon... And now they are talking about going after Iran and Syria. The entire EU is against this, with the French and Russians going above and beyond and speaking of how over the top the response was. The two Muslim countries that have signed treaties with Israel are considering backing out, those being Egypt and Jordan. And you know what Bush says... the Israelis have the right to defend themselves... hello defending and launcing offensives... wow those two words aren't even close...
In the end I don't really care one way or the other it does not directly effect me. It just amazes me that people can attempt to sanction these actions. Hell, let them kill each other, it matters not to me, but saying actions are justified. Who determines what is justified, who is this supreme moral entity which apparently I am unaware of. Would someone enlighten me?
So that is my tirate... I could go on, but I will not... still not book at the office so no profound thoughts yet.