Hello everybody!
(Per quelle due-tre anime che parlano italiano della mia friend list, in fondo alcune delle informazioni sono pure in madrelingua, tanto per cambiare un po' eh...)
Why am I (publicly) here today? Long story made short...
After the big earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, GACKT founded a charity movement called "SHOW YOUR HEART".
At first only one bank account was linked to the initiative, and being it a japanese bank account I thought that many people (because not owner of an account, because the transaction expenses would be higher than the donation and so on) wouldn't have been able to donate, even if they wanted.
So I decided, after asking for approval, to create a paypal account in which gather all the donations from who wanted to help, and then send them to the SHOW YOUR HEART charity.
Here is the sum-up of the info you could need:
- The Paypal address for the donations is syh.overseasdears@gmail.com
- The final Receiver of the money is Japanese Red Cross as requested by SYH official page.
- Important notice: it is NOT possible to send money directly to them, because the bank account listed (Rakuten Bank) does not accept international transaction.
- Since the informations changed when our project already started, we now cannot do anything else than sending to the JRC. Transferring the money to somebody in Japan and then to SYH would require too much time and too much money.
- Paypal is quite easy to figure out; simply put, you have to create an account linked to a credit card or a bank account.
- If you have the chance, the money should be sent in EURO, with the gift/send to family option.
- You can decide whether to pay the commissions or not (only for Germany and money conversion).
- You can leave a short message, for GACKT, japanese people or both. The latest is just symbolic, but I think it'll be appreciated. Just send an email to the same address stated up here, or add it to the paypal transfer, it's the same.
- I will get back to you with a confirmation mail in less than 24 hours. If not, contact me via PM.
- The money will be gathered until March 31, 9 AM (GMT +1) - this to give me time to not lose one working day. The time can be changed a bit, if you need.
- The money will be transferred to my bank account, and it will take 2-3 business days, then to Japanese Red Cross, which will take another 2-3 business days.
- On the day I am making the "real" bank transfer, I will print a receipt and make a post here in the comms, showing proof of the transaction to you all. Maybe it will be a locked post, because it shows my personal data.
Ora per chi parla italiano: se voleste usare altri modi per contribuire perché che ne so, non avete paypal e non avete palle di farvelo, io ho una postepay, nel caso. Visto che mi è già stato chiesto, a voi do anche questa possibilità.
Riassumendo le informazioni ulteriormente rispetto all'elenco puntato, il limite di tempo è il 31 Marzo alle 9 di mattina, questo perché il conteggio dei giorni lavorativi per le banche è sempre un problema.
Potete lasciare un messaggio in inglese o in giapponese, ma vi prego che non sia esageratamente lungo. Il messaggio andrà inviato allo stesso indirizzo del paypal.
Le ricevute dei bonifici verranno messe online non appena mi arrivano / riesco a scaricarle dal sito della banca, assieme ai file con i messaggi: sicuramente verranno pubblicati nelle due community
dears e
ohgacktyoudidnt , e anche qui, ma saranno post privati perché almeno i dati bancari li vorrei tenere privati, sapete com'è.
Se aveste domande o aveste dubbi a causa del mio inglese posticcio non esitate a chiedere, okay?
So, I think this should be everything. Many people already gave their support and help.
Especially the mods in both communities were the sweetest and most helpful piece of cakes that a person could ever interact with.
I am really grateful, also for other issues that prompted me to ask so many favours to many people.
Thank you!