Since Miss
heyuwiththeface arrived on 29th of December last year, I have made a grand total of 3, now four, LJ posts.
Clearly I am blaming my awesome relationship on my LJ suckage.
Lots has happened this past year. Far to much to mention all of it, but here is a brief summary. In dot points. Who doesn't love a good dot point??
- That promotion I mentioned in my last post in MAY (god, I do suck at this) ended up lasting for about a month and a half before I got promoted again. Officially the boss now. This is both awesome and bloody hard work.
- Life with heyuwiththeface sharing my bedspace has been awesome. We just fit so damn well together.
- We're going to New Zealand for a week in January. We want to change her over from a student visa to a working holiday visa so she can actually work and we can start saving money. November next year we will be applying for residency for her.
- We're talking families and babies and all of that big stuff. Of course, to do that she needs to be working so we can save, and move out of my mothers house. While it has been incredibly convenient living here - and honestly not all that bad - we need a place of our own if we want to have kidlets. And, y'know, some sperm.
- Many a gig has been attended.
- Many a movie has been watched.
- Beaches have been swum at.
- We've had weekends away in Newcastle and Coogee.
- We've handed out flyers on election day.
- We discovered and have a new favourite place to eat.
- We've been experimenting on the home cooking front. Tina is learning more and more vegetarian dishes - a necessity when you live with two vegos.
- We have done couple-y things like Valentine's day and our Anniversary. Whilst in the same country as each other for once.
There has been a hell of a lot more, but none of it particularly interesting to post about.
So, my goal for the moment is to try and post in here once a week (i'm being realistic...) and if I can get that down, then maybe twice or three times a week, then all of a sudden I may find myself back in the swing of LJ!
I will be going through and culling my flist (probably largely communities) so when I sit down to read my flist every couple of days it won't be an overwhelming amount.
Anyway - HI to anyone I haven't spoken to outside of LJ. If you want to find me on twitter, i'm akte there as well. I use that most days. It's easy to use on my pretty new iPhone (yes, I submitted and have now joined the iWankery brigade. I love it.) and quick enough to check in quiet times at work.