A rare meme. I do them occasionally...

May 23, 2009 12:04

Stolen from

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.

1 - Liz Donnelly Liz is hot. I've had a thing for older women for as long as I can remember, and especially powerful older women. Put a woman in a suit and I'm weak at the knees. Liz is the perfect example of that. She is older, powerful, incredibly strong, assertive, and will go to the wall for something she believes is right. All that wrapped up in a ridiculously attractive package is enough to undo me.

2 - Tina Having just gone on about the omguh hawtness of older women, I'm going to now gush about my younger girlfriend :D Tina is...wonderful. She's a perfect fit and I love her to death. And one day we're going to get to actually live together...*sigh*

3 - BDSM Is not a word ;) I've always been a little interested in it. I bought my first pair of cuffs before I even had my first kiss. Most of my relationships have had a small element of kink to them (most, not all) but it wasn't really until about 4 years ago that I really started taking a keen interest. While Tina was here, we both went to our first actual class. Rope Bondage 101. It was so much more awesome than I could ever possibly squee about on here, and now I know how to tie people up :D

4 - Role play
lexus_grey harrassed me for months to start playing with her. I'd never written or role played or anything. This was about...2 & a half years ago? So eventually I did and I discovered that omg, I LOVED it. Then Tina emailed a list looking for a role playing partner and I thought what the hell and emailed her back. Best. Thing. Ever. I got an AWESOME role play partner out of it, and a fucking fantastic girlfriend.
Basically I love the escape it offers you. You can take these characters and put them in any situation and then they have to deal with it. It is awesome.

5 - Fanfiction After role playing for a while I decided to try my hand at writing. I discovered I didn't entirely suck at it (not saying I'm great, but I've certainly read worse) and enjoy writing the odd scene every now and then. As a reader, I've eased up a lot. I read obsessively when I first discovered fanfic around 3 years ago, but now I only really read a small handful of authors, or fics that are highly recc'd by people I know have good taste. I just got sick of sifting through all the crap.

Comment to this entry and I'll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
heyuwiththeface and
cleo raving about it as they both watched the first episode, so I got home that night and downloaded it.
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? Since the show has been cancelled it kind of kills it. But I'll always enjoy it and probably continue to RP it on and off.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? We're only a few eps in! Give it a chance!
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? I've written a couple of fics, and roleplayed it a bunch :)
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? Hell yes!

True Blood
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place? Hello, vampires and southern accents. *swoons*
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I'll see how the second season plays out, but so far signs point to yes.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? Don't particularly have a favourite.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Not really, no.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? Yes :D

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place? Watching it on Foxtel. Sexy ladies and fucked up crimes <3
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I've stopped watching the show, but I'm still involved in the fandom.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.? Y'know, I don't really have favourite episodes. I have scenes I love but not really favourite eps. Having said that, the Carol Burnett ep was fucking fantastic and stands out in my mind because I watched it relatively recently.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)? Yep. Fic, RP and the occasional icon. Oh, and discussions too, I guess.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom? If you're not in to it by now, don't bother. The show jumped the shark a long time ago.


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